
Games and fun for 13 year old girls for a summertime party?

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we are going to be at a park.

what kinda fun games or crafts could we do..





  1. The game is called sardines. Much like hide-and-seek, it is a game where you search for someone. The difference is that only one person hides at first and everyone else looks for them. When you find the person you do not alert everyone. Instead, you hide with them, cramming into their hiding place with them, kind of like... you guessed it... sardines! At one point I watched 5 girls jammed into a space that I probably could never fit in alone! The funniest part is when the rest of the kids find them and try to join them even though everyone knows where they are. Wait until you see 10 girls try and fit into a closet or under a couch, arms and legs sticking out everywhere.  or you could play psychiatrist. its when one person is the psychiatrist and they plug their ears while you and the rest f your friends come up with a "problem" for example: you are all the person to your left. the psychiatrist will come into your circle and ask you some questions: what color is your shirt? but remember, you are the person to your left, so you must answer "purple" if the person yo your left had a purple shirt. or you can lie and say green! but then everyone must scream psychiatrist and switch places with someone around the circle. the psychiatrist has to guess what your problem is.  try it! its fun!

  2. At my 11th birthday party/ camp out, my mom had all the girls make smores and we all limboed, which was fun and cool. You could also bring some bags of food and have the girls make their own trail mix. Those are sort of outdoors-y things to do that might be fun. Hide and go seek would be good too.

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