
Games for a small community volunteer fire department?

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HELP! We are trying to get our small community more invovled with the fire department. We are on a very tight budget. I really need some ideas to get people to together at our meetings and functions. We have everything for bingo and have done it one night. ( a very poorly planned event, having bingo night on the first day of open season, a big thing here, and the must see football game of the month. I need ways of organization and ideas that will bring excitement and entertainment revolving around the fire department while maybe getting donations or ways to at least reinberse funds that were used. Please we need your help!!! If your experienced in these areas please help our little community.




  1. Why not have a fish fry or a pancake supper and then offer dominos and card tournaments.  Small town folks can't resist cheap food and dominos especially the older ones it give them a chance to get out and "gossip" with their friends they may not see often!  Good luck,  Coming from a small town I know how difficult it is to get people involved but in our community if we offer food, cards, and dominos we will get em out quickly.

  2. I was a volunteer fireman for a department of 44 members. One idea I had that I never got to do was to have a "raffle" of some sort in your elementary schools and have 1 or 2 winners a month for a birthday party at the station. What better birthday party for a kid than one at the fire department cattered by the firemen themselves? Hotdogs, burgers and a fireman's birthday cake. During the summer I wanted to have a fire department / emergency personel day at our local park. This is where we, the firemen/EMT's, would have a picnic and have the children of the community come out and get to spray the water hose and fire of the siren. At the same time, you set up buckets for donations. I wish I was still involved in my department, to bad I had to move away.

  3. Instead of trying to have one-size-fits-all events, why don't you try having different events for different groups? For instance, an event focused on kids to educate them about what fire fighters do and how they can be junior firefighters, ensuring fire safety in their own homes. Have a table set up for parents to donate if they wish, and set a suggested donation amount. Have the firefighters and their families donate food potluck style.

    Is there a local band that would be willing to do an informal concert at your firehouse -- free, but with someone walking around with a big firefighter boot asking for donations?

    At any event, you need to have:

    --  a big poster that says WHAT YOUR DONATIONS PAY FOR, and then a *detailed* list of such.

    -- a display showing how many fires you fought in the last 12 months, how many calls the firehouse responded to, how many firefighters there are, what the age range is, who has been a firefighter the longest, etc.

    -- details on how to become a firefighter

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