
Games for childrens, age upto 2 years . how to understand them easily?

by Guest56967  |  earlier

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actully,I have a little boy & i want to understand him




  1. A good site for games and education at the same time is starfall

  2. As a point for clarification, are you attempting to understand your 2-year old son or his games?  Having two sons of my own [now 5 and 2 1/2] I can help answer both of these.

  3. I have four sons, ages 20, 15, 14 and 11. when they were small if i wanted to know something about them i would ask them what they were playing and ask if i could join in with them. They would tell me the rules of their game, and I would play  within their boundaries. This way you can guide the play to include anything you want. Children learn by example, so if you are playing and your son starts to show behaviour not acceptable in your house, you can say, "thats not very nice, who does that ?".He might say "someone at nursery says that" or "my teacher lets me do it " or something . This is a better way of getting information from your child than asking outright.  Do not shout at your son in this situation as it is his game, and he might not want to play with you again. You can then say,"we don't do that though because its not very nice" or something to direct his actions to a more suitable behaviour.

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