
Games or stuff to do while camping?

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Anyone have any creative ideas? we are all 24-29 years old going for 2 days to a cabin in the woods. Pretty much just hang out, canoe, hike, make a fire at night, etc. Anyone have any creative fun ideas to do while there? We all like to eat, have a few drinks, play a few games, and have some fun. Best answer gets 10 points!




  1. We used to go for walks and look to see what wildlife was in the area, or just walk to see what is there - enjoy the views (from mountain tops), at night we'd get away from the campsite and go to a clearing and star up into the night sky and look at the stars...

    Fishing can be fun too - swimming... we'd also take a trip into some of the small towns or villages - park the car and walk around - check out some of the shops.

  2. Card and domino games!  Getting out in the woods is retreating to nature.  Forget the electronics and take some cards, dominoes, maybe a chess set or checkerboard.  Somehow the old games all seem a lot more fun in that environment!

  3. you can play dice games and spinners or dominoes outside in the wind but not cards. If you are staying in the cabin cards of course won't be a problem. I suggest the game risk and the winner has no kitchen duties for the weekend. I also suggest scrabble and the winner also doesn't have to cook or clean when leaving. but Yahtzee, zips and poker with dice are all great fun.

    assign first off who is in charge of cooking what meals and when that way if they are on for breakfast they better not have a hang over in the morning and can't cook and clean up if you know what I mean?

  4. We love to play Uno and Scrabble at night when camping.

    Also, you can see who can make the most creative Smores...using Reeses or flavored marshmallows, roasted Twinkies...lay a flour tortilla on heavy duty foil, add Reeses and marshmallows, roll up and set on coals/wood...

    horseshoes, QUIET night hikes with flashlights looking for critters...

  5. we like to play yardball or lawn darts are always fun.  you can always build a bonfire and tell stories.  

  6. Make wood fired pizza on an open grill. Make Steak(dont get steakhouse they have extremely salty steak) take some airsoft or paintball guns if allowed. Maybe bow and arrow. firecrackers and m80's

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