
Games to play with a cockatiel?

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what games should i play with my year and a half old cockatiel??




  1. You could try playing with string or a shiny ring or coin my cockatiels love playing with that!

  2. fetch ,

    one of  my dogs favorites

    it would be the cutest if a bird does it ,

    its also very handy because if the brid is alone he can play with the ball rolling it about.

  3. I have seen people train their cockatiel to dance.  You play some music and then tap their foot on the beat.  Eventually they will learn to lift there foot to the music.

    It's not really a game, but my lovebird loves when I cup my hands under the faucet and make a bird shower/bath in my hands for him.  He has a great time splashing around.

  4. try giving it a box of tissues pull1 or 2 out first then see if  you can get him to they love this game

  5. i think u did a spelling mistake there

  6. My cockatiels love it when I whistle to them. They get very hyper and after listening to the tune, they try to whistle the song back to me. Cockatiels love to sing. I also like to hold them, and I give them bird toys to play with.  

  7. You can lay some treats around and see how many they find.

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