
Gaming confusion.......!!!?

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i really want a PS3 ..bcause it has better graphics, blue ray stuff whatever, has cool gaming titles...............but XCUSE ME it cant be hacked.........n games are really my second option is XBOX 360..........same gaming titles, acceptable graphics,cheap but has technical issues n some ppl say itll broke in a year ........................n now m out of there anybody out there who can tell me what shud i select........?????




  1. Protip: Multiplatform games look a lot better on the 360. The PS3 actually has a much weaker graphics chip, and its processers work seperately (The 360's work in unison), this makes multiplatform games look a LOT worse on it, and causes exclusive games to take, on average, half a decade to make. If you're basing your opinions on graphics, the 360.

    If you're basing your opinions on games? The 360 (The 360 has infinitely more titles and blockbuster exclusives than the PS3, I shouldn't even have to mention this)

    Basing your opinions on hardware issues? The problem you're referring to in the 360 is called the Red Ring of Death. The newer models have fixed this problem (If you buy a new model, it won't happen) where as the PS3 actually has a problem called the Yellow Light of Death, which causes complete system failure...It's also experiencing a system-killing firmware issue which isn't covered under warranty that I know of.

  2. Wow...the other answer was amazingly unprotip. Fanboy much? Either way..the PS3 is going to outlast the Xbox 5 to 1 at worst...they're ALREADY brainstorming on the next Xbox. They're not doing that for Playstation. Coincidence? Definitely not. The graphics for the PS3 are, in fact, better, but only if you have a 1080p tv. If you have a tv ranked below that, you're barely going to notice a difference...multi-platform or not. I own them both and, mostly thanks to being cheap and refusing to give ol' Gates boy MORE of my money than he's already got, I'm not going to pay for Xbox Live, when Playstation Network is practically the same thing and free. Having a pretty gaming card so that people with less of a life than me can show off how little of a life they actually have isn't really all that appealing to me, honestly. I haven't had any problems with either of them, really...except the fact that the Xbox runs hot rather quickly, whereas when the Playstation "gets hot" after being on for several hours, its fan kicks in hyper mode and cools itself off. Xbox apparently has an el-cheapo fan that doesn't do quite as well, cause I'm always scared it's going to melt. But to each his own..good luck.

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