
Gap car insurance wont pay, please help.?

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Our toyota corolla 2007 type S was totalled in the first 6 months. Gap said they would pay off the car if it was totalled in the first year. we paid about 600 dollars for it and they didnt even pay out anything. Our regular insurance didnt cover the car because the person on the ins. wasnt the one who crashed the car. If anyone knows how we can fight this please help.




  1. For car insurance the most efficient way to get a great rate is do a rate comparison on car policies. Make sure that you choose similar options with the same limits, car type, zip code, etc so that all things are a good comparison.

    What I usually recommend is an online comparison quote at since they have big name insurers and will give many quotes on car insurance polices.

  2. Read your policy, was the unlisted driver in your household & not disclosed on the application?  If so, your company can deny coverage for material misrepresentation.  If the driver was excluded, the accident will not be covered.  If the driver was not in your household, not a regular driver & not excluded from your policy, in the US, your company should cover you, you will have to discuss this with your insurance agent & you should get IN WRITING, the reason the claim was denied.

    If your auto insurance denied the claim then the GAP will deny the claim.  GAP insurance only pays the DIFFERENCE between the actual cash value, paid by your insurance (they do NOT pay your deductible, you pay that) and the payoff on your loan.  If your insurance paid nothing, then they pay nothing.  You are responsible to pay for damages that are denied by your insurance company.

  3. get another quote.  I know your situation. These people really helped me out they are at

    Good Luck.  I really hope they can help you like they did me!


  4. You should notice that when you buy insurance, they insure the car, not the driver.  I wish they would insure the driver instead, because if you had three cars, you would only pay for one because you can't drive three at once.  

    They just want to find an excuse they think you'll believe to get out of paying.  

    I bet your attorney can get both your regular insurance and your gap insurance to cough up the dough.

  5. you are not the first ones to be screwed by an insurance company.

    you could try filing a complaint with the state dept of insurance oversight or some such name but most of the people in those depts are former employees of the insurance companies and have ''ties'' to them.

  6. You need to really be wise in this matter , and unless the person have insurance on their own vehicle ,then you can not do nothing about it. you let someone that have no insuranc and this happen , gapp insurance will only pay for the intrest in a case that the car is total. but you need to check what are the terms of the po too. do they cover if a person not listed in your po, is driving.if not then you are totally s***w you need to make the borrower the responsable party for your lost , and you have got to be thanksful that no one was hurt. lending a car is like leting someone else your your gun. iam sorry for you, but there is nothing really to do.look at your policy and see if you a have .coverage for other drivers . sometimes the drivers are not listed but anyone is coveer that is driving your car occationaly.SEE IF YOUR POLICY  HAS PERMISIVE DRIVER .IF IT DOES THEN YOU ARE SAFE .

  7. Well first of all, what was the reason why your Gap company won't pay?

    You need to provide more info in order for anyone to give your advice.

    If your auto carrier denied the claim because of an unlisted driver, its possible your gap carried did as well.

    Call them and ask.

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