
Gap in front two baby teeth?

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Just wondering, from your own experience, did your baby ever have a gap in the front, top two baby teeth? My baby has two beautiful little teeth on top but there's quite a gap between them. I'm hoping they'll come together once the other teeth arrive so I'm wondering if anyone else has first hand experience of this?




  1. Yes, this is normal, common and healthy, and a dentist will confirm that. The teeth may not come together until the adult teeth grow in, and this is what the gap is for, to save space and make room for the much larger adult teeth. If a child's top two teeth do not have a gap in them, it could, not will, but could, lead to other serious oral problems when the adult teeth do come in, such as overcrowding.

    It's normal and okay. Eventually, the gap will close, but most likely not until the adult teeth come through.

  2. That is great! My daughter has a gap too..small gaps in baby teeth are actually good because when the adult teeth come in they have lots of room and do not end up all squashed and gapped baby teeth=nice grown up teeth :o)

  3. i had a gap, so did my brother and sister until we were around 7 years old.. we now all have lovely straight teeth.. i think a gap in childhood is a good thing, it means the teeth have room to move and there's less chance of needing braces when the kids get older and their second teeth come in

  4. my eldest daughter had a HUGE gap between her baby teeth as they descended the gap got close although it was never 'closed' so her baby teeth were never perfect but they were cute & beautiful and certainly nothing remarkable they were normal witha  little gap...her grown up teeth- she is now 8- also have a small gap inbetween them, the dentist doesnt know whether she will havea  brace or not as she still has to loose all her big back molars and when they grown in they may push the teeth closer together but if not she will have a brace when she is older- its about a 2mm most. But her baby teeth had a big gap coming down and i was a bit concerned but by the time they were 'in place' they were the same as most other childrens...

  5. My daughter is 18 months and has 14 teeth and still has a decent size gap between her two front teeth.

    My doctor said that is was good...her teeth probably will not crowd in the future and may not need braces...not too sure about that one!

  6. It's actually good and you don't want it to close up - when her adult teeth come through, the front two will come through well before those to the side of them, and be much wider than the baby teeth they are replacing, so she needs to have room for them or they will come in crooked.

  7. yes I've found too that as the child grows the gap tends to close together.

  8.   Even though i didn't have any experience of this because im still a kid you should not worry. My teeth were spaced out completely when i was a baby but now there very straight. Anyways Good luck!

  9. I was talking to my dentist that said that baby teeth move and are no indication of how adult teeth will come in.  So that gap might decrease as her other teeth come in.

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