
Gap in my front teeth?!?!?

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ok well I am getting braces in about a month and I have a gap in my upper front teeth... how can I make it less noticable so people wont see it? cause sometimes I laugh and u can see my teeth.... and plz be realistic thanks :)




  1. Sorry I don't think there is. Maybe its not as bad as you think it is. =]

    Well my Orthadontist is making me "train my tongue" to keep it away from my two front teeth. My tongue separates my teeth when ever I had the single rubber bands so most likely thats your problem- I just learned about it about a wwek to two weeks ago. So I'd say work on your tongue that way you don't have braces for 8 years-- ME!! And thats one thing you want to avoid. So try it when you swallow or when eating try to keep your tongue away from your teeth. Hope I've helped. =]

  2. Hi,

    In order to solve the problem you have to understand why you have the gap. There can be three (3) possibilities :

    1. NORMAL gap : That is the way your teeth came in.


    a) Get the braces.

    b) Get the retainer after the Orthodontic treatment has been completed

    2. Gap due to OBSTRUCTION :

    There is a possibility that there is an extra tooth ( we call it the "Mesiodens") between the two front teeth.

    That can prevent the teeth from coming together.


    a) Get an x-ray to confirm its presence

    b) Get the "Mesiodens" extracted

    c) Get braces

    d) Get the retainer after that

    3. Gap due to the FRENUM :

    Sometimes the Labial Frenum ( The muscular attachment from the lip to the area between the two front teeth) can be too fibrous.

    In other words, the frenum can be too thick causing extra tension.

    As a result, the two front teeth get pulled apart and it stays that way.

    Just getting the braces will not be the solution, because you WILL get a relapse even after using a retainer.


    a) Get the Frenum resected. An Oral Surgeon will detach the fibrous frenum from that area. It is a very simple procedure done under local anesthesia. Heals very quickly without any problems.

    b) Get the braces

    c) Use the retainer regularly.

    I cannot say for sure what is happening in your case without taking a look at you and your x-rays, but something tells me it might be case #3, as I mentioned.

    Talk to your General Dentist or Orthodontist to make that determination (Of course, you don't want to dictate them. Just ask them for their opinion).

    Hope this helps :)

    Good luck !!

  3. I am the type of person who has a perpetual smile and I had a gap in my 2 front teeth that I hated so bad. Then when I was 23 I finally was able to have my front teeth capped to fill it in. Oh, I was beside myself because I had waited for this day all my life and my teeth were absolutley beautiful. My first question to everyone I saw was "do you notice anything different" to my amazement not one person noticed,  most said they never even noticed the gap I had. So I'm sharing this with you most people don't even notice. It is true "we are our own worst critics"

  4. don't laugh?

    i don't think there's a way. you'll just have to wait for your braces.

  5. keep your tongue at the gap behind your teeth ... Um, I had braces when I was 15 for the same reason. You must wear your retainer after you get your braces off or they will go back to the old position and your gap will return. Take it from me. I know.  

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