
Garage Sale for my 13th birthday?? emotional break down....?

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our neighborhood is having a huge garage sale on my birthday and today is my birthday i my mom is making me do all the work i am about ot have a emotional break down like any second i this morning i was woke from my mom yelling at me because i wasn't awake for the sale and i don't get any presents for my birthday because she hasn't been too busy.... help me before i break down......




  1. For how long have you been a Drama Queen?

    Get over it.  It is very unattractive.

    As far as presents:  you get them every day.  Your Mom takes care of you, your meals, laundry, home, etc.

    Now that you are 13, grow up a bit.  It is time to grow beyond being a spoiled brat.

  2. it's all about little Kayla huh?

  3. have you thought that maybe she is acting this way because she is going to surprise you

    your mum might be actress .

  4. Happy Birthday! just cuz you haven't gotten anything yet, doesn't mean you won't. Have some patiences. It may be later in the day before you get your gifts.

    Enjoy your day.

  5. Good morning, gorgeous. Happy Birthday!!

  6. Be patient....that IS a bummer that your birthday has to start out that way, but I bet it will get better later on or tonight.

    By the way.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY  <:0)

  7. get over yourself

    she'll have something planned for tonight, including presents.  

  8. Happy Birthday.!!!

    Tell her that you are the birthday girl and she sould

    be doing the work while you rest.:)

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