
Garage organization? 10 points too......

by  |  earlier

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For my mom's birthday, we got her a Tiffany bracelet, necklace, and since she always complains out the shoes being laid around the house we made up a system to organize the shoes, and bought some store things.

My dad decided that he wants to also organize the garage. I would love if you guys could give me with some ideas. If someone is really good at organizing that could help me through e-mail. I could maybe just explain the layout further and you could just discuss it a little better? So explain what you know here. If you are willing to help me and do it like TODAY, then send me an e-mail too. (e-mail on profile)




  1. What is the garage about, mine is kinda an office on one side and family setting on other.  To organize it I would need to know what you plan on keeping in it?? Okay another question are you going to redo the entire garage or make the third space more for your mom.  Here is my idea.  First of all the first garage the (Van) keep all that kind of stuff in that area. You can get some peg board and hooks and almost hang anything  that should help your dad too if he has tools and stuff like that too.  The second probably does not have walls??? But if it did do the samething with the peg board but make it just for the kids stuff as far as what you can hang -there is probably more hanging stuff then you realize (be creative).  If no walls just use totes but keep them open so everyone can put stuff away when done and use colored duct tape on the floor for the parking spots of the bikes and other stuff.  Okay for the third and final and this has to be good because it is for Mom and she deserves it.... Line the wall with a counter top using same size file cabinets, put peg board up and hang all the stuff that interest her, keep each section to a separate type like office, gardening and misc area.  You can even go as far as carpeting her section with comercial carpet or outside carpet (I preferred the comercial carpet)  If you do carpet be sure to tape the outer area so it wont come undone.  You can get everything at Lowes.  The counter  top can be 10 feet long to to run along her side and the carpet is there too. I don't know how much your Dad wants to spend but it very inexpensive compareed to alot of things.  And to make it more personal for Mom have the kids draw some pictures,  put  colorful construction paper as the backer and use it for the border on her side.  Well, thats as far as I can go with out really knowing any more specifics.  Good Luck~

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