This woman who has latched on to me asked me to go garage saleing with her and I did. She was a mad woman and pushed me out of the way to get to toys and clothes. We both have children and babies. Mine is 10 months and hers is 5 months. She has issues and I really can not stand her but I am trying to be nice. She is always telling me how she will have my son's clothes and toys when he is done with them. We sold a few things to her but now my hubby says not to, because he would rather give them away to a needy family than give them to a family that has money and wpnt spend it. She frusturates me so much, I buy my son good things and her demands really irritate me. I know I don't have to and I am not going to anymore, give her first dibs that do I tell her that? SHe is opininated and arrogant and her kid is ugly. Now I am being ugly but I am so upset. I saw a toy today at a garage sale and she grabbed it from me and bought it. It was for an older baby and mine would use it now but she is al about herself and the thing is she isn't poor. I'm not either, and I would gladly give it to someone else. She is a user and I am just really upset about it. How do I deal with this?