
Gardeners: Too much rain is causing my cherry tomatoes skin to split open on the vine.

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Is it best to remove them from the vine when they start to turn orange to avoid this happening. Is there anything else I can do to avoid this?




  1. Paula has the answer, although it's not the optimum results it is the only real alternative, i have the same problem with my tomatos!  :(  it's not a good year for the red beauties... at least not in the northeast with all this rain

  2. Unless you can keep the water from them, there is nothing you can do.  Why not, after they split, save and make salsa ?

  3. tomato skins split when they have too dry of soil for a bit, then lots of water when growth begins again.  that is what splits the skins.  the best thing is to keep the moisture even throughout the whole growing season (watering when it starts to get dry) so that the growth never 'stops' and then has to start again.

  4. I would remove them and then put them on a counter or window sill and let them finish ripen.  

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