
Gardening and worm help please?

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I love a nice garden but i have one set back , i'm terrified of worms , silly i know cos i can hold any large snake but put a worm near me and i friek , lol..

So this hinders me from digging and planting .

So other than pots , can anyone out there help me get over my phobia of worms so i can have a lovely garden?

Any suggestions is welcome .

Thanks in advance! x




  1. Worms are not bad, worms are beneficial to the soil.having worms indicates you have a healthy  , good a fertile soil. Worms do not bite, or sting, they are harmless. Worms are annelids , they are natures own rototillers that bring soil from the bottom to the top.  Worms can go in pots if the soil is nice a fertile. If you have a phobia of worms then you have a phobia for gardening in a soil that has good porosity, organic matter, air circulation, nutrient holding capicity, and has excellent tilth. You should be proud instead of being scared.

  2. Try some home "exposure" therapy. Start out just thinking about the worms while doing some relaxation breathing, then try looking at pictures of worms. After that you can get someone to put one in a container for you that you can hold without touching the worm. You get the idea... just work your way up until you can stand to be around the things.

  3. I love KingCob's answer! lol  I don't know if this will help, but I absolutely can't stand to be near a snake, but as children we used to love to dig for worms.  We played with them and fought over whose worms were whose!  Why don't you try to handle just one with garden gloves on?  They are so harmless.  My father kept a flower barrel of them so he'd have fish bait, and after he passed away my mother kept them for many yrs.  They would come to the top when they'd hear her voice, and she'd feed them scraps from the kitchen.  I wish you well and happy gardening!

  4. Use a long handled trowel like those used for wheelchair users. When you find a worm shut your eyes and throw it over to the blackbird or robin to munch on. A snake phobia is a rational one and I don't have it either but unfortunately we don't have snakes any longer thanks to St Pat so I don't get to handle any. :{ The humble worm is a very poor substitute!!

  5. One thing to know....

    If you want your garden to grow.....


    ya gotta have worms.

    Gotta love them worms...

    (earthworms that is)

    I ♥ WORMS


    think of them as "the good guys"

    Garden Buddies...

    when you get to know them can give them names.

    no two worms are alike

    If you ♥ them...they will ♥ you by giving you a beautiful garden...

    Have you hugged your worm(s) today......

  6. See if wearing those disposable vinyl gloves helps to reduce you phobia. Good idea to wear gloves if you have dogs or cats visiting the garden in any event.

    Happy gardening.

  7. im sorry, i cant help you...

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