
Gardening = runner beans?

by  |  earlier

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why are there no beans appearing loads of flowers they drop off but looks like they have been cut off with scissors the plants are in a grow bag and are about 6 feet tall ,no sign off fly. puzzled !!mitch




  1. i suspect that if you are growing them in grow bags that the problem is that the roots are drying out. the plants dont like to be waterlogged but they like the roots to be moist.

    the flowers are then dropping before they get chance to be pollinated. one way you can help is to spray the flowers with a fine spray every so often this will help with the setting of the beans.

  2. If you are using a nutrient rich soil/soiless mix that came with the grow bag..then it is too nutrient rich..runner beans do not like any high nitrogen enriched soil other than just some organic matter..Unlike other vegetables, runner beans extract nitrogen from the air and deposits it in the soil....THEY NEED NO ADDED will get all leaves and no veggies....This is why they suggest rotating crops, for you take a leafy vegetable like greens or lettuce(which require alot of nitrogen) and plant where you had green beans/runner beans planted will have very healthy lettuce etc...Read is called "nitrogen fixing plants"..Your soil is too rich or you are feeding it high nitrogen fertilizer such as all purpose miracle grow..

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