
Garlic and surgery?

by Guest59679  |  earlier

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i am going under aneasthia and surgery on thursday. It says not to take garlic seven days before surgery. I ate garlic yesterday which means thats only five days without it. am i ok? do they just mean excessive garlic or supplements?




  1. I am pretty sure they mean the supplements.

    I had pasta a night or two before major surgery.. I come out fine...I just wouldnt overdo it and eat a whole head or clove of garlic. I am pretty sure you will be ok.. I put garlic in almost everything I cook. I am still alive and I did not have any complications with my surgery. Or surgeries. LAst year, I had a brain tumor removed and then 3 months later, I had a tumore in my thyroid and my thyroid removed.

    Good Luck with your surgery...

  2. You'll be fine. It's the supplements you're not supposed to have.

  3. You should be fine if you did not eat a lot of it... i had surgery this past year and they told me not to eat any ginger because of blood pressure reasons.... one of the days i forgot about it and ate a little ginger... i told my doctor and he said as long as i didn't eat a lot of it i would be fine and i was. Just try not to eat any more garlic.

  4. garlic makes blood do not take ANY until your home and healed,

    you have to ask the Doc about 5 vs 7...sounds ok to me, but I am just a yahoo guy..........

  5. It's the supplements.  A little in the diet won't hurt you.  The supplements (not excessive, any really) can interfere with clotting.
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