
Garlic as supplement..?

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at my barn today we were conversing about suppllements and someone said that you can feed garlic but it has to be for one week and then they need a day-week without it..

anyone ever heard this?




  1. Garlic is a stimulant for the immune system – it is the closest thing to a herbal wonder drug for treating infections.  This is because garlic is anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-parasitic.  Garlic is rich in sulphur which is essential for healthy skin and hair, and garlic also contains bioflavonoid compounds such as quercetin which r****d inflammatory reactions. Quercetin stabilises mast cells (which contain histamine) and inactivates many inflammatory enzymes, which makes garlic a useful anti-allergy tool.  Garlic also works to improve circulation.  It contains a number of anti-coagulant compounds and has a blood-thinning effect as well as being vasodilatory.

    Garlic can be used to prevent and treat respiratory infections.  Anyone who has had garlic breath has experienced this herb’s aromatic compounds being excreted through their lungs which is why garlic’s active ingredients can be so effective for respiratory complaints.  There is evidence that in the digestive tract garlic acts selectively against pathogens (disease causing micro-organisms) whilst sparing beneficial flora.  Further, garlic reduces the incidence of cancer, especially in the gastrointestinal tract – allicin (a volatile oil constituent of garlic) interferes with the generation of carcinogenic nitrosamines in the gut.  Garlic is reputed to minimise intestinal worms (although it must not be relied upon as the sole means of worm control).  Some insect repelling properties have been attributed to the feeding of garlic, however it seems this may be dependent on feeding garlic in its fresh, raw form.

    ACTIONS include:  anti-biotic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parastic, anti-histamine (anti-allergy), anti-coagulant, expectorant (encouraging passage of mucus up the bronchials), vasodilatory.

    DRUG INTERACTIONS:  Garlic could potentiate the blood-thinning effects/side-effects of some drugs/supplements, consult your vet/herbalist before simultaneous use.

    PLEASE NOTE: Beware the tendency to think that “a little is good, a lot will be better” – garlic in excess can irritate the gut and/or cause Heinz-body anaemia*.  Keep to recommended dosages.  Do not use garlic if a horse has been scouring chronically, and use caution if you are feeding garlic to nursing mares as it may flavour/taint the milk and upset the foal’s digestive system.

    *Heinz-body anaemia occurs when a constituent of garlic (and other members of the Allium plant family, including onions) is present in sufficient quantity to deplete red blood cells of a chemical which protects them from oxidative damage.  When this occurs, the haemoglobin in the cells oxidises and forms a “bubble” - known as a Heinz body - on the outside of the red blood cell.  The spleen then removes these deformed cells from the bloodstream.  If this process of damage and subsequent removal occurs consistently, the horse gradually becomes anaemic.

  2. Garlic is a natural fly repelent. alot of feed through fly repelers contain mainly garlic. It is good for the horse, but I havn't heard of them needing days without it.

  3. Yes, I have heard of this. It was even in a John Lyons "Perfect Horse Magazine" on suppliments.

  4. There is a big debate on whether garlic is good to feed or dangerous to feed. There have been studies about what is called heinz-body anemia, which I just recently discovered by an answer another poster gave about a week ago. Here's a link with some information on it and how it ties into feeding garlic:

    I have for years been told that feeding garlic was beneficial. I was using it as a natural fly repellent. I have also heard that it is good for your horses circulatory system, etc, etc.

    Ultimately you have to make the decision on whether you want to feed it to your horse or not. And to answer your question more directly, the person who told you feed for a week and then skip for a day probably heard of heinz-body anemia, and was trying to avoid the issue...

  5. I have heard of people using it but it is something I have never tried.

    All of my horses are ok with fly spray and I use one of the natural repelants so I have chosen not to use it.

    It can cause Heinz Body Anemia in dogs as it is related to onions. So I am not really sure how totally safe it is for horses. I do know a few people who feed it and have never had problems.

    I have not heard of the day off part.

  6. i have heard it is a fly repelent but ive never heard that they cant be on it all the time

  7. Actually Garlic is very good for horses as a natural fly repelent. You can get supplements with them already.

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