
Garlic chickens is garlic all that they eat?

by  |  earlier

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Or do they eat other stuff as well.




  1. I think they eat onions and herbs too so that they taste better when we eat them

  2. are you being absolutely serious?!? chickens don't eat garlic to become garlic chicken! Chickens get fed normal feed, then killed de-feathered, and then rubbed all over with garlic.  

  3. Garlic chickens?  Are you kidding us?

  4. Yes. That's all they eat.

  5. Ha. Ha. Funny

  6. That's a silly question, but here goes ----

    The chickens eat regular chicken feed up until somebody hacks their heads off.  The garlic is rubbed on or inserted under the skin after the chicken has been killed, plucked, and dressed.  

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