
Garmin Nuvi only goes on back roads!?

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I just bought a Garmin Nuvi 350 (maybe it's a 360) but it never ever takes me on the interstate. I do most of my driving on the interstate and it's starting to drive me nuts that this thing will only take me on back roads, even when it's 1+ hour trips. I live in Wisconsin and a lot of the fastest ways to get places is on the interstate. I have it set on CAR and I've tried both SHORTEST DISTANCE and FASTEST TIME and neither will ever take me on the interstate. If I can't correct it, I am going to return it. Someone help!




  1. Life is an aimless drive that you take alone.

    Might as well enjoy the ride, take the long way home.

  2. I use my garmin everyday and once a month I will have to reset it.

    Mine has a small reset button under the front faceplate, once you have done the reset stand outside again so that it can find the satellites.

    If that fails contact customer support because they are very friendly.

    Good Luck.

  3. Check your settings on the roads preferred - set it to interstate and highways.

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