
Garmin nuvi 200 problem

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i have a garmin nuvi 200 and on the system is custom poi points of interest which iput on the nuvi but when im driveing along nothing comes up on the screen ,ie poi is the nuvi capeble of this feature if yes please can someone tell me what im doing wrong.i was hopeing that when i drive along someware perhaps a poi would come up on the screen.but it doesnt




  1. I have the same exact problem as you the software doesn't seam to work correctly. I have the nuvi 200W.

    I have instances where i select a nearby petrol station say shell, When i arrive at the destination i find that there is a office building or houses in the location. Upon consulting a local i usually get told the garage closed down year ago!.  I have consulted garmin and still wating a reply for the fix you require and a map and services update.

  2. Did you use POI Loader to put the points of interest on the unit?  The problem with loading custom POIs with the POI Loader program is that they are only visible on the map if you are zoomed in very close to the map.  While driving, the nuvi usually isn't zoomed in that close.  You can use POI Loader to set proximity alerts for the POIs.  You will get an alarm that pops up when you get within a certain distance of the POI when driving on the same street the POI is located on.

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