
Garry Glitter has just been release. What should we do with him???

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He is coming back to England, he wants treatment on our NHS and no doubt is a rich paedophile who is a threat to children. What can we do to keep our children safe??




  1. Accidentally falling from the plane at 30,000 ft.(while trying to escape) sounds good....

  2. To the Tower of London with him! Smug, old, kiddie-fiddling b**tard

  3. We have covered this over the last two days - easy answer - throw him out of the plane at 30,000 feet or allow him to land and then hang him.

    People like this never change and should not burden us honest taxpayers - shoot him or hang him - not make him a life of luxury in a cell or under police protection at our expense.

  4. kill him......

  5. Tie him to a post and set fire to him.  

  6. Send him to Shetlands.

  7. Hang draw and quarter him then hang him out to dry, to my mind that seems a pretty just thing to do.

  8. lock him up again.

  9. If he's released, he's served his sentence - "we" shouldn't do anything, it's down to the police/authorities/legal framework.

    He's spent a lot of money paying National Insurance, he's welcome to NHS treatment (the NHS for everybody).  

    Welcome back to the Daily Mail Paedo-finder general style questions.  Pitchforks given away in next Saturday's edition.

  10. put him in a room full of mothers it will be worse for him than falling from a plane at 30000 feet alternatively let me have 15 Min's with him I would rip him limb to limb and remove his head from his body gouge his eyes out and as has been said feed his genitals to a reptile.

    he is an evil paedophile who WILL continue his evil ways despite what the authorities do.

    the only thing he should receive on NHS is autopsy.

  11. cut his bits off if a dog was to bite someone it would be put down . what gives him the right to live should be on death row.

  12. Let him come back - our border police are waiting!

  13. Throw him out of the plane on the way back here...

  14. You are all funny.Why should he be brought back when he could have been left at veitnam?You should know the government of the uk will forgive him after some months or years.Leave him where he commited the wrongs an let him be dealt with there.

  15. Wow! Quite the lynch-mob... What should WE do with him??? How about let the appropraite authorities handle this - and to keep your children safe, well, how about step one, stop perpetuating this hysteria. Fear breeds fear.  

  16. When he gets back here,refuse NHS treatment &make him use his own money & put him under surveillance 24.7.Vile scumbag that he is.

  17. Nothing. He's done his time and is a free man. The authorities will treat him as they would any other paedophile.

    And many are implying he should be killed. This makes you no better than he is!

  18. send him back

  19. shoot him

  20. It is not Gary Glitter you have to worry about, it is the guy in your local youth club or is it a neighbour, or maybe the stranger driving by in his car and seeing your children as a potential play thing.  Sorry for being so cold, but it is reality, I live in a beautiful place, no crime,  lovely countryside, but we are famous here for catching the child murderer & paedo, "Black", he snatched kids of streets at their front doors in some cases, THEY ARE EVERY WHERE, you just don't know who they are, so you cannot keep kids safe, it only takes these scumbags seconds to notice.

    Do not let your children go to any of his proposed concerts.

  21. So long as it is to England and nowhere else in the UK I don't mind .

    Seriously though the guy is so well known he will not be able to get within a mile of any child without someone seeing him

    I think someone will probably get to him and even although I can't condone violence I doubt if anyone will feel sorry for this piece of sh@@

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