
Gary Glitter.. What do we do with him???

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Gary Glitter.. What do we do with him???




  1. What can you do with him? He'll be made to sign the s*x offenders register and then regrettably he is pretty much a free man.

    The only good thing is that he is not exactly inconspicuous, he seems to have modelled hmself of colonel Saunders from KFC so you cant really miss him.

    We can always hope for a tragic accident but unfortunately until that happens wherever he is a child is at risk.

  2. Well - if he returns to Britain - he has not been charged with any offence before a British court - but if his little oddities make him potentially dangerous to others, there is always the Mental Health Act.

  3. Put his p***s in a vice and remove the handle. Give him a stanley knife with a dull blade.

    Poor petrol around Gary and ignite.

    Gary now has a choice. Unlike the 11 year old kid he had s*x with.

  4. Stick him in a roomful of mothers who's children have been affected by him and his ilk and their actions.

    Alternatively, hanging him seems a good plan.

  5. Hate him

  6. give him a labotomy

  7. Can you, or anyone, wonder that he seems to be trying to avoid returning to England?

    Or maybe you were hoping for a considered and reasonable response?

    This was never the place you were going to one.

    So, let me at least try, and start by stating quite clearly these positions:

    1) I have no time, sympathy or brief for Mr. Gadd or his dreadful crimes.

    2) Vigilantism is ineffective, imoral and illegal, and I have no time for it.

    He was found guilty of crimes against children in Vietnam, by a Vietnamese court that then sentenced him to 3 years imprisonment. He served his sentence, with 3 months being deducted for his "good behaviour".

    He is British, and the Vietnamese, as is their right, do not want him in their country, so have expelled him.

    He could have gone anywhere on the planet, but chose to return to England because he has health issues which he felt could be best dealt with here.

    It is untrue that the Vietnamese government insisted he come to England, although that is the destination they provided his ticket for, whereas it is quite true that they told him he must, on a certain date, leave Vietnam.

    He has been the subject of vitriolic hatred in the media and on sites like this for the past several weeks.

    He had a scheduled stop on his plane journey in Thailand, and refused to get back on the plane.

    Having read the stuff in this answer, as well as in the press, I cannot blame him one jot for taking that decision. What did people expect that he would do? Walk, naked, through an organised crowd of violent vigilantes?

    Were he to return here, to the country that our Home Secretary proudly claims to have the best child protection laws in the world, he would have to sign the s*x offenders register, would be supervised and monitored and would probably not be allowed to leave the country.

    I believe that was his intention, until he the realisation came to him just to what extent he would be subjected to the gentle attentions of people like most of your respondents.

    What a pity that, at least for the time being, we do not have him where those monitoring and supervisions can take place.

    I believe he should be allowed to return, unmolested and unpublicised, do what he is required to do under the law and get on with whatever is left of his sorry life - properly supervised and monitored as he undoubtedly would be, and without the attentions of vigilante mobs.

  8. Use him for product and medical testing instead of innocent animals.  SInce pedophiles are predators that took human form, we should use something that at least has human form for the testing.  And he can give something back to society.

  9. I beg your pardon. I havent done anything with him!

  10. Remove hie private parts,and then make him eat them,uncooked

  11. Leave Him Stranded On The Island Until He Starves To Death But Just Before He Dies Bring Him Back To Life Lead Him Into A False Sense Of Security Chop His d**k Of And Make Him Eat It

    Lastly Shot Him In The Most Painful way Possible

  12. The man doesn't deserve life as he ruined others lives. Get rid of him instead of flying him around the world.  

  13. Lynch Him (Hang Him) No wait Death is Far Far to Good For the Little Twerp! He Molested A Child There Is No Way He Can Ever be Taken Back Into Society I Heard That He Is not Allowed To Return TO Britain Because He Will be Jailed...We Should Kill The b*****d!!

    To the person A few Comments Up!? hear His Side Of the Story He Had s*x With An Eleven Year Old Child He Should Die Not Be Heard But The Things That Pisses Me Off more Is The Pulicity He's Getting From It!

  14. Don't let him enter England,

  15. I can't believe that he is free to roam around the world at will. The UK should demand that he be returned here and then the authorities should nail him with a cracking investigation, shove him in jail and throw away the key!! If they had frozen his assets at the very beginning, he would not be able to swan around as if he owned the place!! His bad publicity will, hopefully, ensure that he is not wanted in any country!!

  16. simple send him to afghanistan put a british or american uniform on i,m and let bin laden do the rest

  17. Castrate him and dont give him any more publicity

  18. Let the women take care of him.

  19. string him up by his balls.

    he is just a dirty old sick pervert who should not be aloud to walk around freely when he is such a danger to children.

  20. Well I could think of a few things to do with him. Hung drawn and quartered sounds like a fitting demise for him.

  21. tell him he can leave the plane anytime he likes,, after take off?

  22. Lock him away in a very small dark cell and leave him there to rot. I don't understand why so many of the answers are getting thumbs down, its as people are supporting this vile monster.

  23. Take his passport off him and stick him in a mental institution.  The same applies to all paedophiles.

    These people have a sickness that needs to be iradicated.

  24. Drop him out in the middle of the ocean and no hope of rescue

  25. we will do with him, the same as we do with every child abuser. give him his human right to be free to commit the same offences to children. we can not curtail his right to do that to our children because of this governments human rights bull $hit.  

  26. Maybe the most constructive thing that can happen in all this is to arm him with a machine gun and place him in a large hall with everyone who has incited hate against him or against paedophiles in general. Maybe a very large hall.  He should be allowed as much ammunition as he needs to wipe the lot out.  I would be glad to be rid of them.

    Then he can shoot himself, and the rest of us can all be left in peace.

    The American Way.

    Edit - oh come on!  I've only had 3 thumbs-down so far for advocating a massacre. Dad's found yer scoo'er has already got 9 just for listening to him.

  27. Surgically castrate him . And put him on a uninhabited island

  28. Listen to his side of the story before condemning or otherwise.

  29. Do not allow him to re-enter the UK.

  30. clone him four or five times and lock him (Them) In a room. after a few weeks, they would have all been molested.

  31. Strap him to a cruise missile and point it towards the moon :)

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