
Gary Glitter has served his time. So is it right that he can now be subjected to any degree of persecution?

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I would say most certainly, the kids he abused will have to live with his actions for the rest of their lives.

If you do something, you have to be responsible for it.

What are your thoughts?




  1. He is a pedophile and should be treated that way under british law. He committed his crime outside of Britain but that should not matter.

  2. he's so famous and everyone knows what he did and he's not even sorry, hes not even attempting to stop. i think its safe to say that the whole of england wants him gone and the press is going to hound him forever.

  3. Its not over yet.

    People who were abused years ago will come out and accuse the nonce of crimes he thought that he had gotten away with.With any luck he will be tried,found guilty and jailed.

    Better still he could do the decent think and top himself.

    Some crimes can never be forgiven,even after the time has been served.

    He should have been locked up for life the first time he was caught,this would have saved even more children from being abused.

  4. The article made some interesting points-the repulsive crimes involving kids always provoke extreme reactions.Of course monitoring is absolutely essential but I think any criminal who has served his time should have a life of some sort free of persecution .I think people adopt the hang 'em flog 'em and kill 'em approach with these type of criminals because they fear that if they don't they may be seen as condoning the crime somehow.

  5. What gary glitter has is an incurable decease and he should be forced to undergo treatment.  If not, he will give precedent to others with this depravity

  6. The two girls in question were effectively sold to him by their own mother, however this does not condone what he did, he should have known better, but why has the mother not been prosecuted ?

  7. It is not just a question what he has done , there can be no punishment severe enough for that . This is a predatory paedophile who thinks that he should be allowed to attack defenceless children. and wonders what all the fuss is about , He is mentally ill and should not be allowed to wander free in this or any country . but as usual in this sick country there will be howls of human rights and another child's life will more than likely  ruined before he is locked away forever hopefully.

  8. He's been punished for what he did.  Now he's being persecuted for what he is.  He damaged the lives of two young girls.  His persecutors are damaging the minds of a generation.  Only history will tell which are the worse perverts.

  9. Gary Glitter is subject to the law.  The type of crime he committed means he must sign the register and undergo monitoring until he is deemed to not be a risk to others.

    The fact that he is famous may well mean he is subject to greater publicity than others, and may even be at greater risk from attack, but the protection of children is what the law is there for, and I don't think there are any protections that this criminal deserves.

  10. its quite a well known fact that a pedophile is usually a pedophile for life and can not be reformed / rehabilitated - they are just sick and no amount of prison sentence /punishment or counseling etc would ever change them they are stuck that way and should be locked up for good at the very minimum as they are not allowed to be shot for their crimes.

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