
Gary Glitter is in the UK. Should he be treated on the NHS?

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Gary Glitter has arrived in London. He has come to the UK for the free national Health service. Should he be treated or should he be shot dead for abusing children?




  1. Put him another 5 years in jail

  2. Of course he should be treated - he has paid his NI contributions, hasn't he?

    I hope he seeks a cure for his real ailment though - paedophilia.  Do they offer castration on the NHS?

  3. If it's for castration, yes.

  4. no but he will i wish i was in the medical profession so i could get close enough to him to cut his fkn perv c ock off,and let him bleed to death...

  5. another pedophile fan

  6. Silly question, of course he should be treated

    to a good kicking

    and then shot.

  7. Shot dead, along with all other pedophiles.  

  8. He has come "under duress" since nowhere else would allow him entry.

    I would imagine that he would choose to go private for his health care to try and avoid press and public interest/attention.

    The death penalty is not used in the UK.

  9. I hear that sicko has 5 million quid, he should have that confiscated and given to the NHS .   I am ashamed to be British not just because of this low life slimeball but because of all the other atrocities we are guilty of..............i hope that the knife toting gangs of Britain will catch up with glitter and at least make amends for some of thier crimes.

  10. He's British, he's got the same rights as everybody else to use the NHS. Doctors aren't allowed to discriminate. But he'll be hiding for the rest of his life for what he's done. He'll be on the s*x offenders register - which means he will most likely be getting visited weekly by police and kept under surveillance. It will be extremely difficult for him to go anywhere and not get recognized because of who he is. :-)

  11. If he is entitled to treatment by the NHS then he should be treated, and if has has been abusing children he should be prosecuted and jailed.

    They are two separate issues.

  12. He is a british citizen, he has every right to be treated by the NHS ........... as if he was shot dead ....... the person who shot him would be.

    Yes what he did was more than wrong - BUT SO IS MURDER!!!!!

  13. He should be treated and then shot dead...  

  14. ROFL I doubt if that is Gary Glitter's main concern right now. I am sure he has Private Health Care and deeply concerned about being called a pervert. If the choice is Private Health Care over NHS, there is no comparison. Private Health Care is usually the better option.

    Regarding his conviction. The media is a powerful tool and none of us really know the actual truth. Circumstantial evidence can be as damning as listening to gossip that travels along the grapevine or accepting those Chinese Whispers as Gospel. The world we live in is responsible for the actions of others.

    I'm not pleading his innocence nor am I preaching his guilt. I just think that people should be careful when basing their righteous Justice on what may or may not be. He knows the Truth and in Buddhism we believe that a cork cannot be pushed under water and stay there. It's like mixing oil with water, it doesn't work as they naturally separate. Life can be cruel and some situations occur in life which are beyond our control. Karma and Self are realisations which take wisdom to comprehend. Lets pray for all parties concerned with compassion.


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