
Gas Guzzlers?

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With the emphasis on "going green" & conserving resources, does it make sense that the auto makers are churning out bigger, heavier vehicles & that people are buying them like crazy? A Hummer drove by me the other day on the way home from work & I got to thinking about how much it would take to fill such a beast, how few miles to the gallon it would get & what a waste it was, just to appeal to the owners' vanity. I've always preferred little, zippy cars & they're usually good on gas, so I feel as though I've done my part. Why should I have to pay so much for gas because others suck it up like it's free?! Should they stop making monster vehicles? Why won't people be smarter about it & not buy them?




  1. I do not know...why don't you ask most of those who are screaming about global warming and our addiction to foreign oil.  Al Gore and this private jets and SUVs.  Arriana Huffington (sp?) and her limos and jets.  John (I don't own an SUV, my family owns SUVs) Kerry.

    I really do not care what people drive, except for their gas guzzlers make my price of gas go up due to the laws of supply and demand.

    That being said, I support their right to get about 2 miles to the dollar if they choose.  I have a small SUV I only drive when I have at least 6 people in the car, a truck I only drive when I need to haul something, and an Acura which gets me around 28 that I drive EVERYWHERE ELSE!

    I hope my sannity in my vehicle choices helps keep your gas prices down.

  2. Well, yeah, people could buy smaller cars, but why, if they want the big ones and have the money to buy all that gas.

    You get a small, zippy little car, you'll save on gas.  But pay a fortune for insurance.

    Other thing is, it might be that if everyone got these little cars and bought less gas, they might raise the price even more, to still make their profit.  What would we save then?

  3. By nature, people are not smart. It is total vanity, driving an impractical vehicle like a Hummer or an Escalade. Even if mass transit was free, people would still drive thier cars. If it was guaranteed that you could ride the bus for free and the commute would take half the time that it does in your car, people still would drive. People seem to care more about how they are seen rather than doing things that are right. A bus pass is about $30 a month, and most employers have a reimbursement program so it ends up being free. Doesn't that sound better than a payment and insurance? We could all save alot of money...........

  4. bill is an idiot.  there is such a thing as global warming so shut the front door .   people really need to stop denying global warming. i guess that they will actually see it in 30 years when the average temperature will be 136 degrees.  =]

  5. People tastes and values differ.  Since this affects us all, the solution has to come from government.  The Senate has passed it:

    Write, email, or telephone your Congressman.

  6. because they aren't long as there are rich people who can afford the expensive gas and expensive cars that guzzle that gas...we lil folks have to pay for it....stupid huh....or better yet...don't drive at all huh....yeah i can see that happening...NOT

  7. you are not putting vehicles down.i really understand what you are saying,an i agree with you.but to each is own.gas is you

  8. Auto makers are in it with the oil companies. No big secret there. People love their big vehicles. When I go tho the city and see these little sissies in their jacked up four-by's, I laugh. Most of them have never been in four wheel drive, and none of them really know how to use it. I own a full size 4x4 pickup because I live in a small town in the mountains. I use it to haul firewood when I cut in the fall, hay for my horse, furniture, and stuff like that. I also use it when I go camping. We also have a geo metro and a AWD subaru for commuting. The Subaru does better in the ice and snow than my four wheel drive v-8 pickup. When I can, I ride my bike instead of driving. It's ok to have a big pickup truck for hauling c**p, but people should have something else for hauling themselves around.

  9. I totally agree with you Pumpkin...don't pay attention to the uneducated gas guzzlers that are giving you a hard time.  As for Bill...gas guzzlers are NOT just about global is also about the war.   The more demand for gas...the more of our troops getting sent to Iraq to die for oil.  That is ALL this war is about.

  10. The more things change the more they remain the same. Some things will just never change..and we just have to deal with it as best we can, I guess. unless you can change it..Remember the serenity prayer, perhaps..and this other serenity  prayer.".God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I cannot accept ..and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those I had to kill today because they pissed me off."



  11. Ever try to pull a horse trailer with a Volkswagen Rabbit?  It probably wouldn't work too well, since the horses and trailer weigh more than the car.  

    Yeah, some people do not have a "need" for a large vehicle, but many do.  

    This is not an issue of intelligence.  Some cars are too small for some people.  Some small cars are impractical for families.  The government mandates child seats (a good thing, in my opinion) and in many small cars you simply can not put three car seats in the back of a car.  With recommendations that kids need to be in a booster until they are over 80 pounds, many have to get a vehicle with a third row seat, often an SUV or minivan.  

    I remember going to test drive a Toyota Tercel a few years back.  I liked the car until I sat down and my knees touched the dash and I couldn't steer the car with my knees that close.   I am tall and have had similar problems with other cars.

    And many people want be safe.  I know that many small cars are safer than they used to be, but the subcompact cars still are not safer than larger cars.

  12. your question like way to long

    you should shorten it


  13. There is a simple answer to your question. The reason that people buy large SUV's is  because they have the right to buy whatever they want and there is not solid proof that they are doing any damage to the environment.Global Warming (as caused by humans) is not a proven fact. There is not a 100% consensus among scientists that humans have any negative effect on the planet. Global Warming is a political agenda created to take our minds off of more important issues such as; immigration and healthcare. Please keep in mind that as Americans, we have the "right" to be wasteful if we have the means to afford to do so. Just because you prefer a little car does not mean that everyone else does as well.

  14. not all of us fit in a crappo box. Some of us enjoy the outdoors such as going offroad, going to the mountains crossing a few streams to do this. That being said most of the tools that buy these huge trucks to drive around the suburbs are morons. They are status symbols nothing more.

    And to the dip a H2 weighs 6400lbs. 8500 is the gross vehicle weight. Get with big bird and me here. 2000lbs is a ton that would make a h2 3.2  tons

  15. People have various reasons for buying larger cars, trucks or SUV's, and who are you to judge them.  The last time I looked, no one died and put you in charge so you should probably just shut your cake hole.

  16. Thank you for your question, gas guzzlers are proof of the disrespect people have for all of us, you can see it everyday in the way people drive, like it is a private hyway only for them, really to bad, the auto company's and large vehicle users should pay a heavy fine for the greed, but will never happen because it starts with politics and big business..but rest assured with the fast rise in population the day is coming when small and no gas will be the only answer..

  17. A Hummer2 has a 32 gal gas tank, weighs 8600lbs (the H1 weighs 10,300lbs) and the gas milege is so bad it is not listed on the web site. Of course, hauling around that much weight, they probably get way less than 10 mile/gal.  

    Okay, yes, if you just happen to be in Iraq with sniper bullets and bombs coming your way all day, it might be a good time to have a car that weighs almost 2 tons.  Other than that I can't think of a single reason to have a car that cost more than my first house and sucks up fossil fuels like a drunk at a bar sucks up bourbon.

  18. They will stop making them when people stop buying them.

    They are in business and are giving the people what they want.
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