
Gas Price, Does Anyone Know Why?

by Guest34372  |  earlier

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It seems to me, when gas prices were on the increase and a barrel of oil was around $115, the price for a gallon of gas was around $3. So why is it around $3.59/gal now with the price for a barrel hovering around $115. I may be off some in my recollection but didn't know where to go for this info. Thanks.




  1. price depends on several things you don't know about....

    1...cost of crude is months behind supply...oil pumped today gets here in 2/4 months..

    2 what % of capacity are refinery's running at?...80%? 90% 95%?

    3 whats the demand...economy going good or bad

    4 can't stop it no matter what democrats say...restrict them here and trading goes from US to Rotterdam/London?Dubai

  2. That's because the gas stations and distributors are reluctant to lower the prices, but quick to raise them when crude spikes. That accounts for the huge windfall profits they make.

  3. i know when bush came to office the average for gas was $1.46 a gallon.  now i know that with time comes inflation, but d**n Bush that much?  oh it probably has nothing to do with the fact his family owns gas stations and they are having record profits

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