one person answered by saying this:
Another American bemoaning the price the price of gas. When you are paying over 10 dollars a gallon, then and only then can you complain.
No, we in the UK are so jealous of you, would that we could pay anywhere near the same.
In your case I believe gas could go down over the next 24 months, because your government will do all in their power to make it so. I am afraid if ours goes down, the government will only slap more taxes on it, and then say it's because of global warming.
Were stuffed whichever way you look at it.
I had to post this... DUDE I asked the question KNOWING the answer I just wanted to see what people would say. Your aggressive answer of OOOOhhh some one else is "bemoaning the price of gas" was not only USELESS it was also stupid and angry. ANSWER the question or do not answer the question. don't read into it as**Ho%%. OK? Help or hate. that is your decision. Use it or hate it.... FOOL