
Gas Prices are getting expensive. Can we go back to horses and wagons? It'll like the Old West!?

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If not, Why not? They're affordable.




  1. I'm part of a farming co-operative. We use our horses and wagons all the time. Never a problem for us to get from point A to point B.

    But, for the mass population to use them for grocery shopping, getting to & from work or school, etc... Not practical at all.

  2. we cant because of all the animal f***s on the streets could you imagine the smell and too much f***s is bad for the enviroment

  3. Well, that wouldn't work with our lifestyle. You wouldn't be able to buy the clothes you want or eat the food you want, because a horse and wagon wouldn't be able to get them across the country to you (unless it was a massive network of super-powered horses on steroids with jet packs). We rely on the good old internal combustion engine for a lot more than getting around town.

    In terms of local travel, though, we already do have "horses and wagons" that use no gasoline.They're called bikes. We just don't use 'em.

  4. it would be nice if we could but new laws would prevent his from happening,they would say that they take up too much space and do not move fast enough or would cause more traffic jams ,its a good idea though,and unless they come up with an alternative fuel that s affordable a lot of people may have to do this,we can grow hay to feed the horses cheaper than we can get the oil out of the ground and refine it,so it would be a cheaper way to travel,I'm sure there would be some kind of a law written that would prevent this from happening,but i think it would be really cool,and a lot cheaper also,i like the old west and  also like there ways of dealing with things like this,good luck,

  5. Ever think of the...oh what's it called...has two wheels and starts with "bi-", ever heard of it or are you that obsessed with not physically moving yourself from place to place?

  6. You can do anything you want to do as long as it is within the law.  

    Let's take a typical day in the life of an average modern day person needing to start the day - with a horse and wagon.  First of all you'll need to get up earlier than usual to feed and water the horse.  Oops, before that you will need a place to house the horse and store the wagon.  How large is your yard?  Do you have a barn?  Oh, oh.  You forgot to order hay?  Well, I guess you aren't going anywhere today.  You'll have to wait on that hay delivery.  

    Ok, so you've got the hay and the horse has been fed.  You'll need to hitch up the horse to the wagon.  Load up the kids.  They'll need to be at soccor practice and dance today after school.  It just snowed?  Darn, I guess it will take you a little longer than expected to be getting around.

    Hmm.  Wouldn't a nice, warm, comfortable mid-sized car feel good right about now?  The good old days aren't always so good - if you didn't grow up in them.

  7. The best solution would be to develop a renewable energy such as hydrogen fuel cells.

  8. Don't listen to these other people.  Of course we can!  People are only giving you the cons, which are valid to an extent, but here are the pros.  In a car, when someone pisses you off, all you can really do is flip the bird through the window and maybe run them off the road.  In horses, you can yell directly at the person and your horse can get in a fight with their horse.  Also, if you want a new horse, you don't need to go to the horse dealership- you just find another willing horse and have them go at it.  Ever seen two cars copulate?  Nope, because they're not designed that way.  Horses are.  Also, if you wear a cowboy hat and yell "Yeeehaw!" in a car, you look like a jackass.  On a horse, you look awesome.  It's easier to eat tacos and play Nintendo on a horse because they steer themselves.  Horses can be your friend and you can name them.  If you name and pet your car, you have schizophrenia.  The list goes on and on.  Clearly, horses are the way of the future and cars just are an outdated technology of the past that are making the big car companies rich.

  9. Well dont forget the hay, oats, vet bills and the fact that your commute will be a lot longer.

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