
Gas Prices?????????

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Here's the idea: For the rest of this year, DON'T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies,


If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Esso and Shell gas buyers. It's really simple to do! Now, don't wimp out on me at this point...keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) .. and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)...and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers.




  1. i am applauding you because obviously you care for the society.. but there will be ramifications from your actions..

    first, gasoline is a commodity and as well as necessity. no one can live without gas, its a way of life..

    second, there are chances that if fewer people consume gas, they can jack up the prices and people who are working, for example in a restaurant industry, they will be force to buy gas at a higher price thus there will be inflation, hence higher value of goods..

    so to support my theory, all of us will suffer if fewer people will buy gas...

    i really admire your ideas to help all of us improve our lives...

    but sadly, life is unfair..

    tnx for caring! :)

  2. It doesn't work.  Shell and Exxon supply gasoline to the other stations you're proposing we buy our gasoline from.  This means that even if you don't buy Shell/Exxon gasoilne, you're buying Shell/Exxon gasoline.  Shell and Exxon source, refine, distribute and sell fuels.  If you only hit the sell portion, you're hitting the least profitable part of the business.  

    All you're doing is shifting demand.  Shell and Exxon will sell the gasoline you're not buying directly from them to the stations where you do stop to buy gasoline.  How do I know?  I work for one of these companies and when we have more fuel in an area than we need, someone is always wiling to buy it from us.  When we need additional fuel, there's always product available at someone else's terminal.  Fuel demand is inelastic.  People are going to use what people are going to use, no matter what the price is.  Bills have to be paid and that means driving to work.  Maybe you go out less often, or you make a point of stopping at the store on your way home, instead of going back out, but you're not going to reduce your consumption enough to make a difference.

    I've typed this dozens of times:  The ONLY way to reduce prices is to reduce GLOBAL demand for extended periods of time, remove all political tensions and allow the market to correct itself.  Unless you do all this, prices will not retreat.  If we all in the US reduced our consumption 25% (almost impossible, given our appetite for energy), we would still consume 45% of the world's energy.  China and India will have to reduce their consumption of petroleum as well as all of Europe, in order to make an impact.  

    You could send this message to 6.8 billion people, the entire population of Earth.  Unless they actually do something, it means nothing...

  3. I heard that this does not work. But I did find something that does work- the fuel eco system. I just installed a fuel eco system on my car & am now saving 15-20% on gas. Not only does the eco system save on gas but it also cuts down on harmful exhaust emissions (more green friendly) & gives more pep when driving. My dad installed one on his truck & now it performs almost as well as a car & he is saving 15%. You can check it out at If you are interested or know of anyone who is interested please email for more info.

  4. It won't work.  

    The problem isn't that American gas companies are selling gas at such high prices- it is the foreign price of oil that is driving them up.  

    If it were as simple as lowing prices, every gas station would be selling gas more cheaply because they know if they have the lowest price they will get more customers.  But as it is, they have to sell the gas at such a high price in order to make a profit at all.  My aunt owns a gas station and she makes a profit of barely a cent per gallon and sometimes just breaks even.  

    If nobody buys Shell and Exxon gas, they will go out of business and the other gas compaines will take over.  Nothing solved.

  5. That's great, but eh... which refinery does Costco get it's gas?! And how can they sell it so much cheaper than the corner convenient store? I live in Albuquerque, NM. The local corner Phillips 66 is selling 86 regular for $3.75!!!! Yet our neighborhood Costco manages to sell 86 for $3.32, and 91 (Premo here) for $3.52.

    I think a boycott is an excellent idea, but it's not practical. I have been trying to find people that are willing to carpool, and guess what? No one wants to do it. Not even considering the fact that the American public is getting robbed each time we hit the pumps. No one wants to be stripped of the freedom their own vehicle gives them. The main excuse I've heard is "What if there's an emergency? How will I get home?"

    I've tried taking the metro bus system. My normal commute to work is an average of an hour round trip. Taking the bus adds another hour and a half to my commute time. To me, time is money. So that's not a practical solution either. Well at least not for me. I'm a single parent, I have to be back at the daycare at a certain time, and need to work at least 8hrs to make ends meet.

    So what to do? Don't get me wrong, I fully agree with you. I just wish that others would take the initiative to hit Big Oil where it hurts!

  6. Hooray. No queues the next time I fill up my car.
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