
Gas Strike! MAY 1ST. (tomorrow)?

by Guest64920  |  earlier

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Who has heard about this?? Pass the word guys!!

It may not work.. But It might! I think its worth a try!

I know most of us will do ANYTHING to lower gas prices! They are only getting worse!

So Spread the word! :)




  1. cool i'm spreadin

  2. the big oil companies do not care-it is the ma and pa gas station owner that gets hurt by this. send letters to your elected officials and complain-at least get rid of all those gas taxes for awhile.

  3. Why would OPEC care ?

    I don't understand what you expect to "work" .

  4. wat ever no1 doing that people got bills to pay place 2 go and people 2 see only 1 who would do that is the truckers.

  5. I don't think a 'strike' is going to help.

    Simply because if you have gas in your tank already - you won't be buying it tomorrow anyway.

    And if there isn't enough in your tank to get your through tomorrow - you're either going to have to buy it today or tomorrow.  Either way, you're giving them your money.  Doesn't matter if it's today or tomorrow.

    It's not even worth a try.

  6. That's what I have been saying for some time now, but a one or two day gas out will not work, if we boycott one oil company for 1 month, it will work because they will have to lower there prices to make room for the inventory coming in, Lets say company A is selling gas and company B is not, then company B will lower there price to beat company A price, then there are price wars between company A and B... Lets just say we try for June 1st for the boycott, if we do this our lives will still be normal, we can still buy gas, just not from a certain g*y company.

  7. So we buy gas today or 2 or 3 days later.  We still buy the same amount of gas in a week's time.

  8. Every year the same email goes around and nobody ever does it

  9. Won't work.

    They will sell the same amount of gas

    People will either buy the gas that they would have bought on May 1st today or on Friday, May 2nd.

    We still lose

  10. I thought it was friday May 2nd. Either way, I won't buy.

  11. I haven't heard of it, but the only way a gas strike will work is to decrease consumption overall, and while consumption is high, the prices will remain high.  This is a simple analogy of supply and demand.

    People need to change their fuel consumption habits overall to decrease fuel demand in order for prices to drop.

    I've read the emails that have been forwarded to me about how a one day strike if everyone participated would cripple the industry and force them to lower prices.  Here's why it won't work, even if 100% participation were achieved.

    People would still buy fuel on the 2nd.

    I'm currently at a half tank, and I fill up every Saturday.  I've decreased my consumption.  How you ask?

    My daily commutes are 75% interstate highway travel.  The speed limit on those interstates is 60mph.  I set my cruise control at 55mph, and drive as far right as possible.  I am usually passed by every car I see.  It is a well known fact that driving slower, uses less fuel.  Most of the people that pass me, are usually passing me very fast.  Fuel consumption is greater at higher speeds.  From the driving habits that I witness on a daily basis, I can see that the prices haven't altered anyone's habits on the roads that I travel.  Consumption high...prices high.  Simple as that.  Oh yeah, back to my usage.  I used to fill up my tank twice a week, but I wasn't on empty on my mid week fill up.  I was between 3/8 and 1/2.  Now driving slower, I only have to fill up once a week.  My 2002 Ford Taurus has a 16 gallon tank.  Driving my interstate trips around 65-70 mph, I would achieve 292 miles out of a tankful.  Driving 55mph, I am achieving 374 miles per tankful, which is a substantial difference.  I am getting around an extra tankful a month by driving slower.

    Will it work?  For me it does, when you figure the price of a fillup for a 16 gallon tank around $53, and I get enough savings to cover a tankful (or more) every month, it pays to drive slower.

  12. might not work cuz of skool busses

  13. First I have heard of it.

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