
Gas and it worth us trying to conserve energy when the utilities keep on increasing their?

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tarriffs. the less we use the more we pay, there seem to be no incentive for us to cut our use down. why dont the government cap these greedy leaches. i wont bother anymore.what say you ppl.




  1. Oh, you hit a nerve on that one and I couldn't agree more, my power company raised rates on me FOUR times last year...all because they were out buying Gas fired power plants that they couldn't afford, so they pass the cost on to us.

    I keep close records of my day to day power use and use less and less power yearly but since 2005 am paying 25% more!

    The power companies also forget that when they raise a rate to a customer that also increases your State and federal user taxes as well so for every increase you get tripple whammied.

    At best, conserving energy is a loosing battle that is the best incentive for breaking away from the grid any way possible!

    They have effectly removed the incentive to concerve and replaced it with Cut back to financially Survive!

  2. Utilities have apply for a rate schedule with their local Public Service Commission. It make the tax code look simple. Included in it are adjustments for the rise & fall of the cost of fuel and other variables.

    There are also "tarriffs" that are collected by the Utility and passed directly through to the government body that mandates them. They have made your electric, phone and gas bill a tax form and the utility the tax collector.

    The best way to avoid these costs is to use less.

    My electric bill is about $31.00 /mo

    I switched to coal and heated 1220sq-ft house for $395.00 last year (in the north east) .

    If you don't use them they can't take your money.

  3. You are wasting your time trying to re cycle anything as it will not be useful at all. Until they stop chopping down the Rain Forests on this Planet, nothing will be of any use. They are the mainstay of Global Warming and our endeavours to do anything is of no use. This destruction is going on so fast that we will all suffer later on, so if anyone wants to make a difference I suggest you all write to the powers that be to get them to use their might and to put a stop to it. I have wrote several letters...but it needs a lot more of us to do the the same thing. All the Governments know it going on and its up to them to put a stop to this carnage, and damage they are doing.

  4. I don't think that you can save the planet. It goes its own way, with or without you. But, because you borrowed the Earth from your grandchildren, give them a chance of a decent life.

    Do you think, that the actual tendency using food to get energy (drive cars) is a good one? Its only acceptable for rich countries.

    I don't have the solution for the dilemma, but cutting down the energy consummation is a good start and the government should control the prices of the energy. Easily said, if the government is implicated and the companies are international.

  5. the question makes no sense. The crisis is energy and gas usage, that is why the gas and elec. companies are raising their prices.

    If you say there is no point conserving energy then you are apart of the problem of why they are raising their prices to stop people wasting our depleting resources.

  6. Don't try conserving.  We can all use it and then when there is none we can all cry together.

    Do as you wish.   Think of yourself and do nothing or think of the world and do everything.    

    It only takes one to start a movement.     Check out religions.   One made a difference and others agreed.

    Now go turn off that light and help the movement.

  7. The only way to beat theses leeches is to go solar.

    Then you wont need those utilities, cause you will be getting them free from the sun.

    make sure in summer all windows are covered with shrubs and greenery and in winter make sure all the leaves fall of so you will get natural warmth from the winter sun.

    Yes there is a way or storing this energy so go look it up its well worth it

  8. Well saving energy is not only about your personal finances. It is also about conserving energy from a planet with depleting resources. Sure money can be an incentive but I think it is your moral duty to conserve, for everyones sake.

  9. Even though prices are going up - and by well above the rate of inflation - it is still worth conserving energy primarily to help the planet. Its also worth shopping around because there are benefits to be had, as there are from having dual-fuel suppliers.

    Go to a price comparison website, although, at the moment, its better to wait until all the utility companies have announced their new tariffs.

  10. Yes, it is most definitely worth conserving energy.  For two reasons:

    1.  It is the right thing to do to save the planet.

    2.  Because the less you use, the less you will pay.  Just think - even though the tariff has gone up, you will pay the same amount if you save energy.  If you had not, your bill would have gone up.

    And don't worry about the costs being high at the moment.  It is a short-term thing due to the gas and electricity markets being inflated at the moment.  It's only a few years ago (just after the Enron debacle) that the price was so low that the energy traders weren't making much money out of it.

  11. You are right. You feel it is a waste of effort.

  12. I want to know when Joseph Stalin became CEO of GE....  I don't mind if people come up with new light bulbs that save a bit of energy  but I'm not putting pigtail light bulbs in my home simply because the government tells me to.    There is my tub thump for the day.  O', and I would like to know how is it my moral duty to save power for others to have....   what a load.

  13. I don't know....I mean..I wanna say yes. But it really doesn't look like it matters anymore.

    The government doesn't intervene because they're essentially bought out by the corporates (especially oil) and for every 1 person that works at conserving, there's 100 that don't care at all.

    really the only thing you get out of conserving energy these days is the satisfaction that YOU are doing doing

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