
Gas and electric meters are charged at the rate of £129.83 per year.WHY?

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Gas meters charged at 19.86p per day/ Electric at 17.09p per day.I have lived in this house for 20 years and to be fair? I have had 1 new gas meter.20 years at £129.83 = £2596.60!!!!!

I never thought they would be so expensive!




  1. When we had an extension built we had huge problems with getting the gas and electric meters moved to the front of the property.

    We had to pay for new meters, new housing boxes, the trench to be dug and filled in, a plumber to re-connect the gas from the box to the house, an electrician to re-connect the supply cable to the house fuse box.

    We had to contact one company to organise the job, another to actually do the job, and our plumber and electrician too.

    It was a night-mare, and then they have the cheek to charge us for keeping the meters!  I wish I was a utility company.

  2. God all mighty you are being robbed blind, I live in Switzerland and I pay 45 Sfr. a year for my meter, that makes around £18.75, I can only say that you are being ripped off for everything in England

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