
Gas drinking cop cars?

by Guest59777  |  earlier

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Just trying to understand something. Many taxpayers including myself are having a very hard time keeping gas in our cars, while our tax money is being used to buy cars with very low mileage such as Chargers, SUV, etc. during a fuel crisis. Doesn't make alot of since to me, I can understand why a trooper might need one or two SUV's, but over half their fleet is this make...why do they need an SUV anyway? I can understand that they need speed, but my car which gets over 30 MPG could probably perform just as well. I'm a law abiding citizen, just trying to make sense of this.




  1. Part of the larger car idea is that police officers have a LOT of equipment that they have to have on hand with them at all times.  Not only do we have to carry paperwork, ticket books, rain fear, flashlights (separate from duty belt), we also have to have room for shotguns, bean bag guns (some officers are issued AR-15's or the like), traffic cones, emergency blankets, flares, traffic flashlights (the red "lightsabers"), etc.  If the officer is part of SWAT or TACT, etc. they have a ton more equipment they have to carry with them at all times.  We never know what we are going to need.  Police depts also get contracts for a certain make of car so we can get them for cheaper.  I know the gas situation is terrible, but we have to have our gear to perform our duties efficiently.  Just my two cents.

  2. In law enforcement, you do not need a vehicle that would "probably perform just as well".  The police vehicle may be involved with pursuit and come into contact with other vehicles and with stationary objects.  We taxpayers should not opt for almost-good-enough vehicles for the extraordinary tasks demanded of those vehicles.

    And, yes, it is expensive.

  3. How do you expect a cop to get where they need fast if you are making them drive the least powerful car on the road.  It would be better to ban SUVs and muscle cars for the rest of us. Cops should always have the most powerful  and safest cars on the road.

  4. Because its not there money they're wasting. It's OUR tax dollars that are paying for these gas guzzlers.
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