
Gas!!!!!!!!! is driving me up the wall?

by  |  earlier

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it seems like every day it goes up an nickle dime penny what ever it is high... who else agrees.

How much money would you be willing to spend on gas?




  1. 4.00

  2. Actually, gas is not that expensive relative to what  we have paid in the past after accounting for inflation.  The biggest single reason for oil price increases is the emergence of China and India as major importers.  At the present rate, China could have the largest economy in the world by 2030.  Imagine if 1.3 billion Chinese used as much oil per capita as the average American.   If we get to that point, the real crisis will begin.

  3. The only time I pay attention to gas prices is when I'm filling up my diesel car.  I get extremely ticked off paying 30-40 cents a gallon more for diesel than high-octane gas.  It's absurd and inexcusable.  As far as the most I'll pay?  I don't suppose it really matters.  For those of us who simply have no choice but to drive, living out of town without public transportation, we'll pay whatever we have to.  I certainly don't drive unless I absolutely have to these days, and always try to get as many errands run per trip, rather than making extra trips.  Also, my fuel mileage has increased considerably just by staying at 55 mph or less.  Every little thing helps.

  4. haha scared me to open the question! ♥

  5. In Eastern Canada, we are at 1.19/litre or higher, which is $5.40 per Canadian gallon (4.54 litres). That's $4.50 per American gallon (3.76 litres).  All you Americans have it cheap - as do we Canadians.  Try $8.00/gal gasoline in Europe.

  6. $5 by end of 2008.

  7. Whatever it takes. I'm not going to stop driving because of the price of gasoline. Of course I can afford it. I feel sorry for the people that cannot afford it. The price of gasoline in NE Ohio is $3.19 a gallon today. (Bush is behind a lot of this) being an oil man. November, thank God!!!!

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