
Gas-oil mix in my car?

by  |  earlier

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Would it be safe to add the gas-oil mix that my weedeater uses to put into my 95 Mercury Cougar? I am almost on empty and I don't know if I have enough gas to make it to the gas station in town ( lol =( ). I have enough money to fill it back up to the mark between empty and half full though when I get to the gas station. The gas/oil can is one of the little red ones, I guess a one gallon one.




  1. Yes it is perfectly safe to use oil mixed gas for your car, in fact, you will notice your car may run a little smoother. The reason small 2-stroke engines require oil-mixed gasloine because those little engines do not have internal lubrication system.

  2. YOu can mix that bad gas with new gas - just to get rid of it.

    But putting that bad gas into your engine straight and you risk fouling up the car.


    Don't do it.  Get a ride from a friend and buy a gallon or two of FRESH gas.  That one little short cut may cost you hundreds of dollars of diagnostics and repair.

    The risk is small but still the possible damage is expensive (considering you are probably not rich).

    Good Luck...

  3. it will be fine it may smoke a bit but it will work

  4. It is ok to use but not in excess. It possibly could foul out your spark plugs. Will not damage your engine.

  5. I do that every fall. I just dump all my gas cans into the car. I've never had a problem doing this. Just be sure to fill the tank after you do it. Consider that the average fuel/oil mix is 20 : 1 and your diluting that mix a further 15-20 times. Your car won't even notice the difference.

    And running your car for a few miles on straight 20: 1 mix won't harm anything either. I would not recommend doing it for extended drives. I drove a car for 10 miles once on gas line antifreeze. Of course it was a carbureted car. I don't think it would have worked with fuel injection or not.

  6. nooooo

  7. it would be extremely dumb to do that. all cars are only suppose to take only gasoline. Now the type of gasoline (regular, premium, or diesel) depends on the type of car you have, but none-the-less, use only gasoline. If you add other things like oil or ethanol, you're doing more harm to your car than good. And you could damage something and for sure you engine will get clogged since it can't burn off those substances fully, nor efficiently like gasoline. So save yourself the hassle of having to get your car repaired and just use gasoline like you're suppose to. Good luck and God Bless!

  8. nope... you'll have to walk and go get the gas I'm thinking. sorry. :(

  9. h**l NO!

  10. it might mess up your engine.

  11. Don't.  Either tow it or pass from one car to yours.

  12. Actually, if you have any left over at the end of the season, they recommend that you dispose of it by putting it into your car.  Mind you, I think they are talking about say a gallon mixed in with a full tank of gas.
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