
Gas price + war =?

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If you take the averge gas price and the cost of the war how much are we realy paying per gallon?




  1. Equal to high cost of doing business out there.

    When the children keep on climbing up the coconut trees in dropping off the coconuts out there.

    Hitting those working out there under the trees.

  2. what are you getting out, spell it out, don't hide behind some silly question.

  3. a dime..........

  4. It comes down to the US getting rid of Saddam so he wouldnt sell the barrel of oil for the Euro dollar instead of the US dollar. It kept the US dollar stronger vs. the Euro which helps all the americans. But yes, it did cost many americans and british lives.

  5. Sorry, this doesn't compute, otherwise you would have seen a major increase in the cost of gas, I mean in the range of $5-6 per gallon.

    The cost has increased, but in typical amounts, not related to a war or stoppage from the gulf

  6. Prices will be higher in the short term but cheaper over time

  7. a lot we subsidize oil companies and give them tax right offs - then there are the arms dealers - we have shifted our wealth into depth to shift our countries wealth and power.

    it goes beyond money.

    now that we have failed to secure the oil - we will continue throwing money down the rat hole to defense contractors - black water - the worlds largest military and of course rebuilding.

    the party of gluttony and butchery just goes on and on.

  8. War has nothing to do with gas prices. sorry to burst your bubble.

  9. The war isn't causing the rising price of oil. It is Opec and Americas unwillingness to build more refineries.
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