
Gas prices, is there any alternative?

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So yes, around my area gas prices is abou $4 per gallon. Are there any new cars coming out to stop this? Gas his hard to pay for as is but I don't know what I'm going to do if it gets over $6. I only get paid $7.15 minumum wage and I work about 17 hours a week, certainly, I can't make enough to put money in my tank. Is there any alternative to this?




  1. I think that these current gas prices are ridiculous and only benefiting a certain few who are profiteering over the misery of many. How could such a small group of a few hold so much power over many?

    This gas crisis is so out of hand, that I've resorted to drastic measures. Recently I converted my 04 Cadillac to utilize water as fuel from an easy to install kit, I obtained online from a company called

  2. If we can kill the Global Warming lie then the price of gasoline  will come down.

  3. As a frugal person myself, I know a couple of tricks. If you can bike to your destination do that, car pool, public transportation, you can also convert you engein to run of used vegitable oil, which you can get for free at fast food joints, walk, run, see if you bum a ride off of your friends. Well good luck with your transportation problems man, hope this helped.

  4. You can buy a flex-fuel car.

    Brazilian ethanol price is around 1.5 $  + the federal tax of

    0.53 $ = 2$   -  Bush said that this federal tax on brazilian ethanol will expire...

    Also I would consider the fact that one eighth of Brazil would produce 500 million tonnes of ethanol from sugar cane, etc...

  5. The Hybrid is supposed to be a good car to save on gas. It runs on electric and gas they run around 20000-26000

    I test drive aToyota Corrolla, it gets 36mpg its around 16000-18000

    Only problem is they have gone up on the cars that help save on gas.

    the only alternative i can suggest is seeing if anyone wants to carpool, becasue buying a new car is out of the question making minimum wage. Im in the 9 range and cant afford a new one.  Or you can try keeping up all the maintenance on your car to help you get better gas milage.

  6. horse and buggy !!!! im looking at one now!!

  7. Ask your employer if there is ANY one who lives around your area that you can car-pool with.

    Or, ask if you can put up a bulletin board, asking for car-pooling companion, or people interested in car-pooling.

    If you get enough people interested in it, can your employer work on trying to get those people who are participating the the car-pool, on a similar schedule, so no one is forced to "wait around" or the car pooling won't work.

    The employer may even be willing to pay incentives for their employees to participate in car-pooling...(But if you're working at Walmart... DON'T expect it).

    A company here in Houston has started to pay an extra amount for those employees who CAN take the mass transit system. But they also realize there are those who cannot use the mass transit system for various reasons. They are reimbursing those employees for gas prices above $2.50 a gallon. This probably won't fly long...but it would be nice if other employers would step up and do something similar.

    Other things that may help... Learn to walk more. Ride a bike. Get a moped. invest in solar panels so you can use less electricity and cut that bill so you can have more money to put into the tank.

    GOOD luck! you are part of the reason this country NEEDS to figure out a good solution to this whole problem!

  8. It's supply and demand.

    We as a people have become so used to being catered to and getting what we want- when we want it- that conserving is a word we don't understand.

    We have to slow down. We have to car pool (if you can) and we have to start driving less. End of story. We are the ones making the gas go up. We buy stupid over priced Hummers and SUV's (Usually with just one person riding in them) Because we think we have the God given right.

    We drive around all over town and will come back into town for the right kind of mustard instead of planning ahead.

    Unless we learn how to stretch and conserve and appreciate what we have it won't matter how many "alternative" fuel choices there are. It won't matter because until we learn to conserve we will go through the other fuels just as fast.

    I mean come on......Why do you NEED a hummer?

    Anyway, for you and your question. Maybe you could see about getting a ride with a co worker or finding a job closer to you house. It's gonna get a lot worse before it gets any better.

    Isn't funny? When Gas started to rise we were appalled by 1.39 a galleon now that we are looking 5 dollars in the face we would accept 3.00 a galleon and pay it gladly.

  9. Only reasonably and technologically safe alternative is a more fossil fuel efficient vehicle.  Be it a motorcycle or something like that.

    I see the next president dipping into our fuel reserve a little bit during the beginning of his presidency.  Then prices will go back up if the economy does not improve.

  10. Well, lots of experts are working harder on this due to the rising fuel costs, and alternative fuels are being expirimented with. For the immediate time though, you can downsize your vehicle (if you have and suv or up), or get a motorcycle (many get up to 100 miles per gallon). There's not much else to do except ride the bus and other large transit transportations. Hope this helps ya out

  11. Take the bus

  12. that's also my main problem i cant cope up now..w/ the high price of i used car when it needed most...but when i go to market/ Church/ mall...well..i hike..for 2 reasons:

    1, in order to save

    2. for exercises ...

  13. It's a super problem for all of us.

        Try this website out and save on gas...


  14. Bike.

  15. Sure.  There are many options just almost all are not as near as convienant as driving.  You can ride a bicycle, take the heel toe express (walk), car pool with another group, take public transport such as a bus, take a taxi, or if worse comes to worse find an at home job so that you don't have to drive as much.

    But, like the other user above me stated.  Driving a motorcycle has become extremely popular lately because of the miles to gas ratio.  If you consider this please remember to be safe, because I have seen many accidents due to motorcycles and the outcome was very bad.

    Is it possible that you could find a job nearer to your home?  Perhaps with better benefits.  Might not be a job you enjoy, but that is why it's a job and not a career.

  16. YHA!

    you can walk use a bike

    take the bus

    or  get an electric car

    or a hybrid

  17. i ride a bike in the summer

  18. ride your bike.  it's what i'm doing (25mi round trip)

  19. It's interesting that no one's mention water.In WWII they used water injection systems to improve power and better gas mileageLook at all the inventions that are being used on vehicles around the world using water to help improve the gas mileage.There's an inventor that has created a water car.Trying looking up water engine.Also check out the old 1984 Honda Civic CX.It had a 1.3L engine and got 67mpg on highway and 51 city.Here we are 24 years later and still the average mpg is in the 20's

  20. Hold on until 2010 or so.  Get a high mileage vehicle now.  For you that may be a scooter or an electric bike (like mine).  For a look at the future, google Honda CRZ, Loremo, Venture One (, Aptera, AFS Trinity Co.

  21. you can use vegetable oil. its free when you go to MC Donald's and get some use ones

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