
Gas prices - Are you revolting?

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Gas prices - Are you revolting?




  1. No I'm not but my gas prices are.

  2. Do you mean gas for heating or gas/petrol for fuel. Whichever you mean we have to to cut down on both.

  3. Do you mean petrol or fuel bills to heat your home?  I am revolted on both fronts.

  4. No because, the increase in price just reminds human that we can run out of resources one day. We'll have to go back to the days of the cavemen. Cherish the resources we have, don't take things for granted.

  5. I would like to visit Amy L's Cave and be the first to bash her on the head with my club.

  6. i'm staying home more/driving less.  working more.

  7. well actually i think im not bad looking

  8. No, I think its fantastic. About time you American's started paying what its really worth.

  9. Yes, I bought & installed a fuel eco system & now I'm saving 15-20%!!! Not only does it cut down on gas consumption but it also lowers harmful exhaust emissions & gives a better performance. For more information contact Check it out at

  10. I'm quite revolting - but that's got nothing to do with gas prices !

  11. The real revolt needs to be against rationing by price.  Government - not only here - needs to regulate domestic heating fuel prices.  

    If you mean petrol and diesel, the case for regulation is overwhelming.  Starting by grounding private aviation, cutting off the private marine fuel for the millionaires' motor yachts, and restricting absurd  4x4 private vehicles registered in urban areas to the same fuel ration as a more responsible family car with  low carbon emissions.

    And while we're about it, lowering the motorway speed limit to 90kph.

    The effect on both emissions and the overall consumpton - and thereby the market - will be considerable.  

    The situation is too serious for half measures.

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