
Gas prices. Why are people quiet and dont strike?

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IF not strike why we dont just for one single day band filling gas. As i recall in 80's people took one day off from the gas stations and the next day the gas dropped 30 cents. Just takes that one day....but than again who is gonna organize this . huh




  1. Cuz its still affordable lol

  2. cause people are friggin morons and they think they need gas...ride a bike or take a train.  I would do it for a year to get the old gas prices back.

  3. Gas prices are much too high, of course.

    They don't have to be.

    If our senators and congressmen don't do anything about it, give them h**l. If they want to be elected or re-elected they had better do something about it!

  4. Gas companies aren't stupid. If no one buys gas for a day, they'll all buy it a day earlier or a day later. They still get the money either way. The only way is to buy LESS gas. But that means you have to drive less. Not going to happen soon.

    That never happened in the 80's, it was an urban legend. Check snopes if you want.

  5. becuase we need gas dumbass lol

  6. First off, this whole gas boycott thing is a myth.  No such event occurred.  There was an email campaign a year ago to do the same and it failed miserably as well.

    Gas prices are what they are because of supply and demand.  Want the price to go down?  Increase the supply or reduce the demand by using less.  And I mean a fundamental change in behaviour.  1 day does absolutely nothing.

    Keep in mind that gas prices adjusted for inflation actually went down consistently for about 20 straight years.  Right now they are just catching up to that 20 years of adjusted inflation.  People are just spoiled because we had it so good for so long.  

    Personally I think high gas prices are a good thing because they are finally forcing people to take a serious look at how they use energy.  I for one ride a bicycle to work. I don't worry about gas prices.   Other people choose to drive a Suburban with a single passenger on a 1 hour commute each way because they just have to live in the "suburbs" and they think big vehicles make them sexier.  That's all well and good but once you've made that bed, don't complain about sleeping in it.

  7. you recall wrong.....prices are now in control of oil nations NOT oil company's...and the dollar is low,,,and china and India are bidding up oil  the 1970 to 1982 oil problem was a oil boycott from OPEC....Iran and Iraqi were at war and OPEC was punishing us for support of Israel

  8. A week later gas prices went back up.  Thats why.

    A single day will not matter. Everyone needs to write their senators and congressmen and keep calling their offices.

    If every voter told their congressmen and women and senators that they would not vote for them if the price

    of gas does not come down, it would be down in a dcouple of days to stay.  Think emergency meeting of the house and senate and bill on the presidents desk freezing the retail orice of gasoline and diesal at $1.50 a gallon

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