
Gas prices and the unemployed!!?

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with everything thats happening money is tight. My job shut down for good in Feb. I think i saw first hand the change in people getting cheap from, buying pricey home decor or gas course i dont blame them (unless you got items pratically reduce prices during closing sale) Anyways it got me thinking.. wat about the unemployed someone whos out job hunting are using lots of gas depending on distance with only money they have left till they find work.. so is it safe to say as funny as it sounds but kinda sad, you can tell people; Hey I CANT AFFORD TO GO & FIND WORK!!?? maybe we should stick with applying online and newspapers at home lol




  1. Izzie is right.  As things are going, pretty soon there won't be any jobs to drive around looking for and people are going to have to learn to walk to soup kitchens.  I am already trying to grow food for my family, but we'll have to go meatless eventually.

  2. i hope we don't get a depression too.

    In our modern age, we wouldn't all come together as a community and help eachother out. We'd all riot in the streets and kill eachother, after stealing everything.  Local businesses wouldn't help either. THey would jack up their prices 10000% to maximize profits until they ran out of stock.

    This was proven during Hurricane Katrina, and during riots in california in the early 90s, and to some extent on September 11th, because in New York, merchants were selling bottled water to the walking wounded for 10 dollars a bottle.  F-ing scumbags.

  3. yeah... most people should be able to collect unemployment..but that still cuts into the unemployment money alot. plus they are saying now that a lot of people are taking longer than 6 months to find a job, so benefits will be exhausted and they have to struggle, if they take something low paying, once you pay for fuel and high food, it will put you in a hole. I guess the best way to handle it is the newspaper, online, or go to a temp agency where you can put in one application for many jobs

  4. Sabina,

    I'm an American living in Europe.  I pray a big depression does not happen at home, because we're not prepared for it.  The idea of small communities and producing and providing for the family by means of cultivating at small scale is completely erased from our society.  When I moved here, I learned how to do all those things, and not  because there was a need, but because this society went through so much during the great wars that they save so much and produce to help the environment and to be prepared in the event of..

    Start thinking that way, because I just do not see a clear future, unless as a society we start thinking in the well being of all and not of some...

    I wish you the best.

    Edit--Guys, I guess we're on the same page.  I had just recently to start my own business here in Italy.  The Euro is doing great, and you see how much everything is changing, but salaries does not compensate for all.  The good thing is that having universal care, you do not have to worry to pay outrageous bills, and elders are completely taken care by the system (not matter how poor or rich you are).  We are going through inflation, and for Italy it may follow the US economy for depression.

    I live in the prealpine region, five minutes form Switzerland, we get everything from modern ammenities, all within the respect of these mountains that sorround us.  Recycling is not imposed, but as citizens is and obligation...we recycle everything.  Every small community has a recycling center, that transports everything back to the provincial center for distribution.  Taxes are high, but you see, where is going.  Other regions are more behind (like Naples), but the North has a point, people work hard, but preservation of the old, of their history is a must.

    We even use maneuver for planting our veggies, nothing is artificial.

    I took a look at besides me being a Project manager for software development, what else I'm good at, so I'm taking advantage of all of this.

    We as Americans have been given a gift that, we do not even realized we have...THE ABILITY TO CREATE

    We are naturals at advised is to explore it and explode it.  I'm doing in it right now.

    Cheers to all!!!

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