
Gas prices hit $4 a gallon on Maui, HI, do you feel sorry for those who live there?

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Paying $97 each fuel up

Spending $300 a week on gas

Bringing home much less money and working twice as hard




  1. no because it'll be the same in the rest of usa by the summer so who's gonna feel sorry for me then it's life and maybe we'll stop spending money on foolish things then

  2. Dats Crazy **** what else is alot everything is this SUCkz its gonna be six dollars this summer

  3. $4.29 in San Diego this morning.

    Thats $1.0 up from 2 days ago.

    Now I have to start taking the bus.

  4. Yeah but what is minimum wage there though,probably like $7 or $8 an hour,maybe $10,maybe more??      $3.59 for gas here yesterday,minimum wage is $5.75 an hour so your still better then here...

  5. That's so sad.  It's a pity gas costs so much in the Aloha state.

    I feel real bad for them.  Makes gas here in NC seem cheap.  North Carolina has about the average price of gas compared to the nation.

    Although Hawaiians don't have too far to go places.  Hawaii is made of 8 small islands.  I still feel pretty bad for them.  That would be so stressing to live that way.  Work yourself to sickness and you still cannot afford everything.

  6. here in vt 3.29 and climbing plus heating cost is obsence deisel is $ 4.07

  7. You hit it right on the nose Brak. I live in Hawaii and yes the gas prices have gone sky high.

    But I spend only $20.00 a week on gas whether they hike the price up or not.

    I only use the gas to go to and fro to work and after work I head to the store three times a week. Since I order most of my things on line anyway, it saves a trip to the mall for buying frivolous stuff.

    For outings, I usually walk to the beach with the dogs and scoop up the poo with a recycle sack.

    So there you go, that is the story of my non-worry gas woes.

  8. Of course, but I feel sorry for everyone. The effects of gas prices are being felt all throughout the country. Prices of food are skyrocketing even faster than gas, people are loosing their jobs (which in my opinion people in general have brought on themselves but thats a different topic), health care costs are rising, there are many people without health coverage in the country- I am one of them and any small medical condition could mean loosing everything you have ever worked for. All because we have government officials of all political parties that make "promises" that do not get kept. It is almost easier to open a company in china than it is in the US and much more profitable, did people really think everything was just going to be ok forever like that? Millions of illegal immigrants have been granted citizenship on the basis of nothing more than saying they were here illegally. Hundreds of thousands each year are caught here illegally and allowed to stay. I had a guy come up to me one day and say he was not allowed to work here, showed me his card the said "not eligible for work in the United States" and he said he paid $50 for a social security number and he can do anything he wants. How ridiculous!

    We all see gas prices as being such a big deal, which in a way they are, but the reality of it is that it is just the icing on the cake.

  9. My words exactly about the answer from DJ. It is ridiculous how the whole country is heading. We have many, many more problems that just the cost of gas. People spend an average of 3 times more on food than they do on gas every week. The number of illegals here is outrageous, I have worked with many of them. It is unfortunate that we have the power of numbers that we do in America and we cannot get together to try and put an end to what is happening. Millions of Americans are going homeless while oil companies profits are at all time highs. Bakeries are doubling and even tripling prices due to the overwhelming cost of baking goods. America was the greatest nation at one point in time, but the bigger they are the harder they fall and we are falling fast.

  10. Yeah, but not really.  Maui is fairly small, it's not like the mainland where you can drive hundreds of miles in any direction.  They probably don't drive nearly as much as we do.

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