
Gas prices..if we were to pull troops, would prices go down?

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Gas prices..if we were to pull troops, would prices go down?




  1. no if you take the tax off then that will make it go down but fat chance of that

    taxes in Canada represented on average 35% of the pump price versus 20% in the U.S.


    but they do great compared to uk

    The motorist is being penalized by higher vehicle duty and daily fuel rises. My local garage, the cheapest in the area is now charging £1.179($2.34)(EUR 1.48) per ltr. for diesel and £1.129($2.25)(EUR 1.42)for petrol.  the price as of February 11th, 2007. Tax contributes 72.8% of the total cost.

  2. No. The cost of oil is set by the people who produce the product, not because we have armed forces in Iraq and elsewhere. Besides, only 1/3rd of the oil the US consumes comes from non-US sources outside North America. Supply and demand and speculation determine the price at the pump, Higher demand means higher prices.

  3. No, it doesn't work that way.

    Supply and demand. Whoever has the oil can charge what they want and whoever uses the oil has to pay for it or cut way down. Since no one is cutting way down we are still paying  top dollar. Supply and demand.

  4. The price is based on consumption of good. US is largest consumer of oil in the world,  followed by china and india.  For china and india, the population is very large (more than 1 billion for each) and so its understood why so much oil is used there.

    However, due to largest oil demand and consumption in US it only makes sense that price would go higher and higher.  But even that does not seem to reduce consumption or demand. Seeing that trend, the oil companies decide to exploit the price. There is really nothing the consumer can do. Either he can reduce his consumption of oil by driving less or keep paying and paying.   Most people choose the latter.

    Also complaining to government will do nothing and i don't think politicians would even be interested to deal with this issue, because most of their parties and campaigns are funded by oil companies themselves.

  5. no; greed on all sides is fueling that fire; there is a gas boycott on June 17 and June 18 , join in; let your power be known , a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step ; we have the power as consumers but we haven't figured that out to join together and send a message and let it get louder if need be; we could get off gas if we really demanded it but then the oil field tycoons would have to do something else for a living , perhaps work , boycott , send a message, drop by drop the bucket gets full ; we are really in the driver seat in more ways than one

  6. the price of gas does not have to be as high as it is if the oil companies all report billions of dollars of profit every quarter

  7. No....and stop listening to the libretards....

  8. No...the prices most likely would go up because the area would become unstable and supply from the area questionable.

  9. you can pull anything you want and the price of gas wont go down.

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