
Gas prices in England?

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I'm from the U.S. and just wondering how much you guys in England are paying?




  1. Too bloody much

  2. It's ridiculous over here.

    For regular petrol we are paying a maximum of £1.24 a litre

    Diesel is approximately £1.37 a litre

    I'm not sure how much that would be in dollars sorry lol

  3. Some time in the 1990's the Conservative Government of the time introduced a stealth tax in the fuel accelorater charge, with the Government taking a cut from the cost of petrol, to fund their tax cuts for the rich.  That the poor paid a disproportionate amount of tax did not bother them that much, they believed that like alcohol and cigarettes you could choose to change your llifestyle and so avoid the tax.  A raft of other stealth taxes with no subsequent increase in public spending ensured that they were voted out of office.

    The present Labour Government kept the tax, firstly to keep the money rolling in and secondly, to encourage innovation in fuel efficient technologies and conservation, as our oil fields in the North Sea had peaked in 1999 and were declining and the Government wanted us to be less dependant on foriegn oil.  If the petrol price was too low there would be no incentive to do this.  

    However that means that we are paying some of the highest petrol prices in Europe.  This is not such a bad thing when you consider we also have some of the most fuel efficient cars, so we are using less fuel to go the same distance as an American car.  There is very little demand here for cars with low fuel milage.  

    The Government has committed itself to the Climate Change Bill which puts into law a promise by the Government to cut UK Carbon emmisions by 60%, so it is very unlikely that the tax will ever be removed, although it may be slightly reduced.

    Currently petrol here is around £5 a gallon ($10).

    As a result, we in Britain use half the amount of oil per person than the average American, and as the price rises, we are better prepared for it.  We have better public transport and local shops and businesses.  Our towns were planned so that facilites are not far from where people live and work.  Many people here never need to use a car.  I live a 15 minute walk from the nearest shop, handy for when I run out of milk.  

    The area is semi-rural and there are 2 hairdressers, a grocery store, 3 pizza places, a chinese takeaway, an Indian resturant, 5 pubs (the British like their beer), a hardware store with everything from nails to garden furniture and sheds, a toystore, a beauty salon, 2 charity shops with some of the best clothes I've ever bought, a stationary shop a garage/car salesroom, Blockbusters, a bank, a Library, a coffee shop, a chemist, 2 dental pratices, and the doctor's surgury all within 20 munutes walk of where I live.  Ohh I forgot, there's 2 petshops, an off licence, a bicycle repair shop, a fish and chip shop, and a betting shop as well.    

    I walk past some of the prettiest gardens and meet neighbours and friends on the way.  It's the same all over England.  Just a little way from the coffee shop (run by the local united church group)  there is the village green, where we hold sporting events and where everyone can enjoy the outdoors, complete with playpark, skateboarding area, tennis courts, and basketball court.

    A bit further on from that, and you are into the riverside wildlife preservation area, where you can feed the ducks and moorhens.  I don't need a car for anything except taking large items to the recycling centre, although most of our recycling is picked up from the kerb by the local council.  

    If I want to go to the nearest town or city for anything, there is a bus or train service to take me there and back every hour until 11pm.  

    I love my country, I think it's the best in the world.

  4. With a wet-finger-in-the-wind calculation based on £1.15 per litre <grumble> and about US$2 = £1, I make it that we're paying about US$8.30 per US gallon!

    Spare a copper Kind Sir????? Wife and car to support.

  5. Let’s just go through that calculation again shall we ionized5

    Petrol is now £1.15 per litre there are 4.54 litres to an English gallon (8 pints) and 7 pints to a US gallon

    Therefore the price of an English gallon is £5.22 – i.e. >$10 per English gallon

    The price of an American gallon would be 7/8ths i.e. $8.75

    You said ‘but in the US salaries are on average about twice that in dollars as it is sterling.’

    Yes of course they are that’s because there’s $2 to the pound it doesn’t mean you can halve the $8.75 does it – think about it.

    An exchange rate is an exchange rate is an exchange rate.

    Your comments regarding the octane rating is spurious as well if the car is tuned to a low octane rating then putting in a higher octane rating gives no advantage whatsoever.

    I work for an American company in the UK all our American visitors and tourists cannot believe the prices we have to pay for fuel over here.

  6. Well its £5 per gallon in the UK which equals about $10 direct currency conversion but in the US salaries are on average about twice that in dollars as it is sterling. So really is works itself out as about $5 per gallon. Now a Biritsh gallon is 5 litres where as a US gallon is 4 litres. So really, no really, a gallon of petrol in the UK is equivalent to about $4 per gallon. Now to boot the petrol in the UK is of a higher octane level than the US (higher octane means better performance). So really, the US pays as much if not more than the UK and for inferior product. Who feels hard done by?

  7. I'm sorry Heralda, are you describing the same England that I live in??? The place is going to the dogs rather rapidly in my opinion and fuel prices are one very good example. Public transport is not as you describe, is overpriced and certainly doesn't provide a replacement for a car.

  8. Around £5.00 per gallon, or about $10.00 in US currency, but don't forget, a UK gallon is slightly more than a US gallon.

    That's no consolation though!  Most of the cost is due to tax, levied by a money grabbing control freak Government!

  9. Please don't ask, it hurts!  But since you have, my local superstore is charging approximately $2.25 per litre for petrol, (gas!) and $2.50 for diesel!  Great, ain't it!

    Apart from the pain of paying these prices, it is no comfort to know that 85% of what we are paying is tax- to be squandered by our spendthrift Government on ever more stupid schemes!

    Life in the UK is simply wonderful right now!  Have a nice day- Stateside!

  10. in uk  now it's about $8.50per gallon(tax on gas about 70%)

  11. holy ****, $10!! In america its only up to about $4.

  12. Where I live in the SE of England, its reached £1.13 per litre for petrol and diesel is around £1.22 per litre. Makes me sick to my teeth.

  13. Oh god - too much!   Its about 5 quid a gallon now... which is almost $10
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