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What do you think the problem with gas prices are...NOT JUST THAT WE ARE TOO DEPENDANT...what do you think a solution to our high gas prices are..and why things are so bad...what do you see for the future




  1. I found a solution to gas prices- the Fuel Eco System! I had one of these installed on my car & now I am saving 15-20%!!! Not only does the eco-system save you gas but it improves performance & cuts down on harmful exhaust emissions. If interested please contact Check it out on the web at

  2. sry got nothin' but really i'm wondering why are you, american people, that worried about the gas costs and it's only 3.50$ i think now..!! here in lebanon it costes like 15$ you can ask anyone who live in lebanon..!!! if i would live in america really it gonna be a good life..!! hahaha.!!

  3. Most people dont know this but, most water bottles are made with a plastic derived from crude oil. Making bottles to meet Americans demand for bottled water requires more than 1.5 million barrels of oil annually, enough to fuel some 100,000 U.S. cars for a year.

    -we need to cut that out and we need a better public  transportation system, such as a electric buses and more train systems.

    The future looks grim as I see it unless we take action now, and recognize our WASTE of fuel.

  4. We are too dependent.  That's all there is to it.  You can keep pointing fingers at the oil companies and the gas stations and the refineries and OPEC and whoever else you want, it's not going to do a bit of good.  Gas is a nonrenewable resource, and until we get our consumption under control, prices are going to stay high.

  5. Most people don't know that Canada has the worlds second largest oil reserve on Earth. Why aren't we getting our oil and gas from them? We do need to stop buying gas at Shell, Texaco, BP, Citgo, and Valero because they buy most of their oil/gas from Iran and Venezuela. I do not support any company that is helping to support countries that hate the USA. Don't forget that most companies make up their own fuel prices within a 20 to 30 cents per gallon price hike!.

  6. It's a worldwide situation. The supply of oil is limited and starting to run out. The demand is increasing from countries like China that are just starting to industrialize.

    Gas prices will continue to go up, it's the law of supply and demand. I expect $10 per gallon before too long.

    Our only hope is that the politicians get their fingers out of their a**s and start to develop alternate forms of energy. They (alternate energy) are there, waiting for funding.  Wind turbines, Geothermal, solar arrays, nuclear power.
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