
Gas station starting

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Sombody knows anything how can i start a small gast station ? like franchising opcions or how much money do i need?




  1. You need $500,000 in the bank to open an EXXON station.  Do you have it?   Maybe $150,000 to open an independent station; but you are dependent on the big companies to supply gas and they owe you nothing. /

  2. Gas Stations are nothing more than businesses that draw in people. Dont expect to make anything on the actually gasoline sales. What you want to focus on is how many candy bars and hotdogs can you sell drivers when they stop for gasoline? Do you have a repair shop with ASE mechanics to generate revenue as people drop off their vehicles for service? Do you have a car wash, coin-tire machine, etc?  All those are the models that make money for a gas station. But just selling gasoline will put you in the poor house.

  3. maybe thats not a great thing to get into right now because of this little crisis we are in but if you really want to check this out
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