
Gas strike May 2nd??

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Do these things really work?? Will not buying gas on this day bring down gas prices??




  1. I mean its one day. They would have to stop going to the bigger gas stations and go to the more less unknown to even begin to take some kind of effect. But people arent that organized

  2. Yes They Will Work.......we start walking the next day..

  3. It will keep going up until we the end users take action. We need to contact our elected representatives to see what legal action can be taken, and to see about lowering state and federal taxes on the fuel. We need to contact the epa about the differing formulations of gas putting an undue burden on the refineries, and us the end users. We need to contact the oil companies about their record profits and the high prices, and we need to shop around for the best bargains. We need to contact the refineries about increased production, and the drillers for increased production. We need to lower demand.

    Car pool, ride the bus, bicycle, buy more fuel efficient vehicles, buy alternate vehicles like hybrids and natural gas vehicles, and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.  grow corn in your back yard and get peanut oil from resturants and make your own ethanol.  vote against bills affecting fuel price increases.

    We also might need to have another "Tea Party" dressed up like indians with a gallon of gas near a lake and symbolicly dump the gas in a container of water, with media coverage.

    just a few ideas>>>

  4. No they do not work. This reminds me i need to fill up the car today after work.

  5. No.  It simply means more gas will be bought May 1st and May 3rd.  A one day "strike" doesn't effect change in behavior or reduce demand.

  6. No. Poor people have to get to work. A one day thing doesn't mean anything. We are being pulled by the nose.

  7. no, it won't work. 1 day will not affect the gas prices, because ppl will fill up their cars/trucks the day before....and doing that defeats the purpose. I think in order for a gas strike to work, people need to go a couple of weeks without buying gas. But, what's the chances of that happening?

    But it is something to consider, huh?

    Well, hope this answered your question=D

  8. Dumb.

  9. i dont see the point in doing that, so what if you dont get gas on friday you will just have to get it on saturday or sunday then.

  10. i dont doesnt seem like it.

    we need to find another way to effect the powers

  11. If anything it will jack prices up because they know there's going to be someone that'll need the fuel to perform their jobs, like mine; being dependent on readily available diesel.  Unfortunately being self-employed I'll be paying through the nose if this becomes the case.

  12. No they don't work. They are an idiotic waste of time

  13. the only kind of strike that may work is a corporation targetting strike, not a day strike. Everyone would have to avoid gas from a signle company for a long period of time to affect how they do business. Historically, we do not have the attention span to do this, let alone the few that would have to drive an extra mile to the next gas station to fill up.

  14. Not for one day. It's no tlong enought to affect the gas companies. Maybe a week, definitely 2...

  15. Yes they had one about 2 years ago were i live at and it worked. But only for a while. Then when prices dropped they had a gas shortage.

  16. In theory they could work however, they never do because people change the times and dates to reflect times and dates that are convenient for them. Additionally, people also typically forget.

  17. probably not, but I won't buy it.  I'll walk to get my nephew from school-it's actually his b-day!

  18. They don't work.  Even if everyone didn't buy gas for a day, they would just buy it the next day.  The only way for it to work would be if no one USED any gas for a day.  Good luck getting fat, lazy Americans to walk everywhere for a day.

  19. h**l no. It would be cool if they did though. : /

  20. haha no. there are still going to be people who buy gas, people still go to school, work, travel, people need it and wont miss work for it

  21. Stop complaining, trade in your guzzler for something small or take a bicycle to work, take the bus or carpool or what not. Looks like we're a nation of lazy complainers. Stop whining for friggin out loud and find a creative solution

  22. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and what I said was "if just for one day everyone in the US did not buy gas, imagine what would happen. Problem is, I don't think we can get everyone to do it." To answer your question, I honestly don't know if it would bring down the prices but it would sure let the powers that be know we're all mad as he-l and we're not going to take it anymore. As long as we keep buying, the price is going to keep going up.
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