
Gas will be $7 bucks soon, very soon?

by  |  earlier

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So i have a friend that works at the motor vehicle and transportation, MVD and says that they have internal news or something, gas will be over $7 dollars soon... OMG! soon we are gonna have to be all driving in little scooters to work, we are going to look like thailand or something like that... Funny, i guess we are going down slowly... and crash....

I hope is not that 2012 mayan prediction thing, I don't know what else to think, or just blame Bush period.




  1. well this can happen if we go down and crash they should lower the prices having someone pay $3.00ish of gas is better than people not buying gas

  2. it is not bushes fault gas is as high as it is, i think its funny that people rag on bush all the time but america voted for him for a second time anyways, people need to calm the h**l down about gas prices if oyu odnt like it then get a more fuel efficent car, or only drive to work, grocery store and the dr. otehr than that you can live without getting behind the wheel maybe if the d**n democrats would support the war more it would be over by now but instead you are selfish and think of your self and blame the president for it. you never know bush could have saved us from far worse things if we hadent retaliated other countried would have tried to kill us too because they tought we were weak. you should be glad to be alive and not worrying about d**n gas all the time.

  3. blame Bush ? how about the Dems not allowing drilling in the USA...

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