
Gasoline conglomerate commercials?

by  |  earlier

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sooo, i go to the environment section to answer a question and shell has an add posted right to the left of the questions...all of you in this section have seen this...what do you think? i mean, really....please read a book called Endgame volume 2: Derrick will explain this commercial and turn it into what it is...a fraud to consumers




  1. I think you need to stop taking those drugs you are using and find some different meds.

  2. Are you indoctrinated to believe gasoline is automatically bad?

    Isn't it a lot less polluting than the coal and wood we used before it?

    Oh, I forgot.  Anything involving evil, greedy capitalists must be bad somehow.  So we search until we find something we can label sinister and then accuse them of causing it.

    That's a very old scheme but it still works, doesn't it?  Now what political faction was it that was always blaming industrial capitalists for everything?  I forgot their name.

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