
Gasoline in the US will soon be at $4.50 a gallon. That's a given. When it hits $6 how will you pay for that

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Will you sell that SUV that gets 15 mpg in town? Buy a scooter or bike? Use the bus or car-pool? Eat less food?

Or will you demand that the US Congress tell the Environmentalists to get out of the way of progress so coal, natural gas and nuke plants can be developed? Will it then be ok to build massive hydroelectric dams even if it kills the last yellow-back blind snail?




  1. My car gets 35mpg. I only drive it to work when I have to be there at 3a and I wouldn't do that if there wasn't a significant safety issue involved with riding my bike at that time of the day. I moved and relocated almost all my daily activities in one area so I won't have to drive. When gas is 6$ a gallon I'll do what I've been doing: laughing at people that absolutely must drive everywhere.

    Support nuclear power. It'll take us places and none of those places involve radiation poison.

  2. Simple, claim bankruptcy.  Any previous debt will be erased thus freeing up the cash to be able to afford to drive to work.

    Better yet, sell everything I own and buy a motorhome.  I can then park it in the parking lot at work and just "walk" to work everyday....kinda like Trapper John M.D.

  3. $6?

    by 2010, you're gonna think that $6 would be pretty nice.

    it's going to go far higher than that.

    i'm betting on $20 by 2015.

    as for the guy that thinks a free SUV is a good deal, 30 gallons at $20 is $600 a tank.

    you won't be able to pay someone to take your SUV.

    as far as more oil drilling, it's not going to help.

    there just isn't much more to be found.

    clearly, we will build nuclear plants.

    it's unlikely that we'll build a lot of coal plants.

    there aren't a lot of major rivers that are not already damed up for power generation.

  4. Yeah, my local gas station attendants actually laughed at me for suggesting they start selling E85. The only solution left to us is to join together into small ethanol co-ops. We can buy stills online, set them up on private land, and start cooking. As long as it's not drinkable, the IRS won't care. In fact, there is a gov't website that will help ppl do this legally.

  5. I say we all protest...or it will never go down. Or we could just get a "tax holiday" and be all happy---for 2 months (?) lol

  6. if we continue at the rate were going at maybe 2-3 years, but if the enviornmentalists do get out of the way (i hope, so it can go down) i would believe it would go down to 2.50 because we wouldnt be importing it and there would be much more.Yes i would sell the SUV (if i had one), i would buy a hybrid or old v4 car (not scooter or bike, theyre just not fast enough or same enough) and i already carpol and take the bus alot because of the gas prices, A months buss pass costs me as much as 3 days worth of gas. As for the snail thing, hopefully we can find a diffrent way to drill for oil and if we dont then we could at least save about 100 and move them from area to area. So yeah those are my thoughts

  7. It's freakin scary!

  8. I will be asking for a reduction in extraction of fossil fuels so that there will be some available for a future generation. But of course the USA is using so much imported fuel that even if it were to exploit immediately all the fuel it has access to within the country, it still would not replace all imported fuel. Its cost would not be lower either.

    There will be some adjustment. I have long since been using a car that needs only 60 litres of gasoline to go 1 megametre, and cut my driving down to below 800 km/month. This has brought my fuel consumption down to 25% of what it was in 1990.

    My obvious next step is to reduce distance driven further.

    The farm use of fuel too has been reduced by about 70%. Soon we will stop producing food, because that has too low a value in our economy.

    You can go ahead and build all the nuclear plants you want, as long as they are a couple thousand km away from my place.

    We do not have any untapped hydro resources of significance in my area, so it will not flood me out. Decide for yourself. If we flood a lot of farmland, and it does not work out, we can always destroy the dam.

    Natural gas to fire those electrical generation plants may put its cost out of reach as natural gas extraction too is becoming more costly.

    I doubt that saving any endangered species is really standing in the way of much progress. Whenever it is, someone is dispatched to kill the last of those vermin.  It is only when it comes to cutting down one forest before cutting down another that anyone yields and changes the sequence of harvest so that the public gets the impression that we care.

  9. I think the people will eventually demand that our representatives to take a comprehensive approach. That will include offshore drilling, ANWR, nuclear power, and clean coal.

    These things will help, but it will take years for them to take effect. Nevertheless, there has to be a starting point, and its irresponsible to keep sitting on our hands. I believe that if anybody is going to drill for oil its better off in our hands. I fully trust our ability to retrieve our resources without destroying the environment

    In the meantime, I think car companies are going to roll out new cars, more hybrids, and possibly electric vehicles, because they would make a ton of money doing so (pay attention Detroit, don't get smoked by the Japanese again).

  10. I will do what it takes and if I have the chance to attend meeteings or anything like that I will for sure tell them that the yellow back blind snail has got to GO!

    I will more than likley be working a second job and only traveling to get there at doing errands before or after work. I've been doing that already, but Im really going to have to start buckling down!

  11. I walk, so it won't bother me. For long distances, I ride the bus.

  12. I have taken a second job to pay for gas. I think I am going to buy a little British mini, that gets, lets say 40 miles per gallon.

  13. I'm going to buy a big SUV because people will be practically giving them away.

    Then if I can pay cash for it I will not have a vehicle payment and I can afford the $6.00 gas pretty easy.

    People don't think. It's the car payments and interest you pay to the bank that hurt you.


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