
Gasping sound?

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I was asleep at my friends house in her sisters room. i woke up to a horrible noise of gasping around 5 in the morning when it was still dark. i tried to wake my friends but i was so fear stricken that i wanted whatever it was to not know i was awake. i laid there for what seemed like hours just listining for it and every now and then it would make the noise for a long peroid of time and then go silent. then it would start it again. My friend had told me that she had been awoken by the sound of the desk chair moving while she slept in there one night about a month before and when she looked she saw a red figure of a person sitting on the chair watching her sleep. out of fear that this gasping sound could have been the same figure i forced myself not to look in the direction of the sound. I am not an easily startled person, however this experience was the most fritening one that i have encountered in my life. Has anyone else heard of a red ghost or strange horrible gasping noise?




  1. Sleep paralysis, NOT.

    Sleep Paralysis you will have direct contact with a being, usually invisible, depending on what part of the brain is doing the work that night. You didn't have any feeling of being held down or a weight of this being and you said you had free choice not to get up or turn your head so it is obviously not paralysis.

    What you are experiencing is one that affects mainly younger kids who have been given some information of what to expect and you build fears on expectation before you go to sleep so you are for sure going to hear any noise as connected to your friends story and of course you will be sensing the red ghost because that is what you are expecting to happen. It is different from watching a scary movie and going to sleep because now that you have this information your friend gave, you build every sensory input into that story.

    It is the same thing the ghost hunter shows do. They always give you the storyline of what to expect before they go in, so  anything that happens or any noise will  be built into that information and now that you are expecting to see it , you most likely will.

    EXPECTATION is very powerful.

  2. No bells going off here...check for reflections and your one neighbors cat.

  3. Welcome to my world. My cat will choose the most inopportune time to hack up a furball. It sounds a lot like what you're describing. I can recall several mornings or nights I've woken up to that terrible sound. Does your friend have a cat? Or a sister who snores and wears red pajamas?

    I think there are some very normal explanations for all this (including dreams or even sleep paralysis as someone said), but it certainly sounds like you and your friend are too spooked to investigate this objectively.

  4. You have experienced a classic case of "Sleep Paralysis".

  5. I have had perceptions of a spirit presence more than once.

    I had a nightmare and I woke up in a panic.While awake,it seemed as if something was hovering outside of my window and wanted in.It was like something had been watching me--it freaked me out!It scared the heck out of me too.

    It was way too real to be a dream and I was awake during the last part.

    Speak the name of Jesus to it,if it is a bad spirit,it will leave.

  6. that sounds really scary-something similiar happened to me, it turned out to be the wind coming through the vertical blinds.

  7. Hi Courtney

    Most likely what you heard was a sound like a long exhale of what should be coming from an old smoker.   That is the classic poltergeist sound.  They are found around young or teen girls the most, but not always.  When I was about 20 years old I moved  back to my home town from Colorado and my brother said I could live in a room he rented out.  It would take a few days of sleeping on the couch until the guy moved out on the weekend. "And by the way the guy is moving out because the house is haunted by a ghost", he said. After driving almost 2000 miles I could care less.

    That night after a lot of party and beers I crashed out on the couch, turned off the lamp and what sound like someone walked over and made that sound right next to my head.  I reached for the light and no one was there.  Not in the best of moods now I said out loud "If thats the best you can do then go away and let me sleep".  No more problems the rest of the night.  The house was haunted and after getting used to the ghost it was kind of fun.  Don't know about a red ghost. I've seen real looking ones,  Smoke or vapor looking ones,  and the really evil creepy black or shadow people ones. But never a red one.

    Never challenge a ghost your not sure about.  If no one in the house has ever had a bad experience with the ghost just let it alone.  If it gets weird or aggressive call in a priest or psychic.  Some times it's just  a lost soul that needs help to move on.  Sometimes it's a dead family member looking out for loved ones left behind.  

    Hope that helps some.  You are probably a bit psychic or at least sensitive to these things.  Spirits can tell, so don't  be to freaked out if this type of thing happens all your life, they are not chasing you or anything like that.  Your just one of the few who that are gifted.

    I take email if you need help or just want to talk about it.

  8. It sounds like one of your friends or somebody in the house was having trouble breathing in their sleep.  Gasping in your sleep can be a symptom of certain kinds of sleep disorders.  Some people with these disorders actually stop breathing in their sleep and die.  It could be serious.  Then again, maybe the person was just sleeping in an awkward position.
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